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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Regal Blossom

orange,pink and crimson
spicey scented delicate petals
early blossoms of summer fashion.

barely there

like a ribbon washed free of its ink
the silk empty
the words pressed by machine
my voice going

nothing left but a dawn
with a faint moon
what is this??
for I am wicked
and cannot rest


Don't tread on my toes
my corns are now dead skin
beaten by your scorning

They now keep
the vivid touch of your toes
seducing my skin

Thorns prick me no more
than those roses
you borrowed for a night

While I tread on my corns
pain is now pleasure
like a maniac

You robbed my faith
when you stole
my pair of dancing shoes...

"This Grave that I Walk Upon"

I stand upon this unmarked grave,
hollow, mindless, numb,
I've been here far too long.
My skin, dry, cracked, and rotted,
all my memories gone.

A shadow of myself that's been lead astray,
I miss the peace of where I use to lay.
This hunger will not stop it does not pass,
this curse I pray will not last.
What have I done, why did I wake,
what was my sin, what rule did I break.


Another nice morning at the beach
A stumble upon unsettled footing
as skyscrapers grow out of focus
they can't be swaying
like nearby palms

Fish stranded on soaked sand
deserted by familiar ocean

....of stillness

why do not the gulls dive
upon defenseless flopping food
........they know

Fantasy Man

Fantasy Man

Simple gestures that make me smile
His caring touch to last awhile
A man of honor to admire
Not a cad or a common liar
A humble soul who is kind
Of kindred thoughts: we're of one mind
Whose laughter makes me want to dance
In him, I 'll always take a chance
Whose very presence make others stare
His movements like a gentle bear
At home,he loves to cook and sing
In him I’ve found my everything

Try These Shoes

Would you care to try these shoes?
Since you know me so well
The size should be a perfect fit

See, these shoes are not in great shape
They are filled with so many troubles
The type that doesn’t fade away easily

Yes, that overpowering feeling in your chest
With those palms drenched in sweat
Since you know me that well
Well, you shouldn’t be surprised by anxiety


Vivid red fellow
Cardinals home in snow
regal feathers preen

Mordecai and Haman

A prince of Persia, said out loud…
Pompous and proud
“You bow to me…
So all can see.”

A faithful man would not concede
“I’d rather bleed…
And feel your hate
When you berate.”

To Jehovah God I will call
To Him I fall
And bend my knee
In loyalty.”

A minuet poem syllables of 8,4,4,4

Based on the Bible book of Esther



Rest your tears,

let it drown your fears

pain will champion real gain

the torment won’t grow beyond moments

pleasures will be your treasures

Keep faith, just wait

Never faint, just faith

Depend on him,

to him don’t pretend

Live! Just live, that's all you will give

It’s not wrong, only be strong

Trust is all,

It won’t hurt

Ever failed? You will be bailed

Obey is the demand, good will be pay

Just hold on, you can hang on

It will come, Yes! Come


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.