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Margaret Ann Waddicor 13th March 2011

Bland without a hand, a heart,
a head,
numbed by the sudden bereavement,
bent in two
my seat belt fastened;
the inner feelings and sensations
like weed disturbed by sea's
deep tides,
once glowing blue
now grey, insipid drawn
along the bay,
where shells cast magic spells for me,
for you,
their voices joined in unison
now wail.

Band of Fools...

The twilight sky is adorned with a gaggle of drunken geese.
Their vee-formation discarded, they race in a swarm,
boisterously honking, the coming of Spring.

I imagine them having one for the road.
Flying high...
Announcing their arrival.

The crows in the naked branches of the old oak look up,
snickering in low tones of amusement.
The sparrows just shake their heads, and settle in.

Ready for the banquet, taking the best room at the lake,
and lolling on the beach.
The boys are back in town...

no title, yet

I’m blinded by Earths waking
Our sleeping giant
Has lain content for decades
Lately, it seems, she’s aching
The need to stretch her limbs:
Invades, persuades, cascades;
The rippling effect spreads
Like notes from an ancient hymn
We may close our eyes,
Block the site of mayhem,
Yet the sound of weeping
will still seep into our ears.

©Tonya Greenless


Energy, timeless, everlasting
Unending, with no beginning
Eternally in motion
In the cosmic ocean

This is my first attempt at a nonet - inspired by Shirl.

ticking life away, easy...

ticking life away, easy…

Never really cared for time,
an old slow clock at work.
Targets, I have no mountains,
no haste to race from my stork.

Worlds a real fast busy place
wonder what I’m needed for.
Never been willing to chase,
pound sterling, or Yankee dollar.

I sit here typing on my putor,
wow: I love her made up word.
Reminds me of her sweet voice,
spelling! don’t be absurd.

Nature of Love at Sunset

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Let’s climb a mountain

A mountain thriving with laughter and daisies

And feast as a sunset drop


Let’s swim a river

A river flowing with affection and roses

And hug under a starlit sky



Silence, you are so profound
You surround me in a void
where the only sounds I hear
are of yester years
now rising from their grave
with shrouds

I am haunted by those sounds
in the silence of my dorms
which have neither doors
nor windows

Their echoes now dance
in the cockles of my heart
till they take a bow
through my eyes..






At this psychological moment,

Watching Us Grow( A re-write of Ever Near)

Paths that had been
Blown by winds
Kissed by snow
And washed clean by rain
We traveled together as one

Our only companions
Hardship and strife
I had taken a vow
To be your wife

We saw them through
You and I
In my partial eyes
You are quite a guy

Honoring your words
Of life, love and respect
Although you know
I’m less than perfect

The past year
Grew wings and flew
There are still more years
For us to live through


I bounce along this gravel track
it's been too long but now I'm back
to walk along this river's shore
one hundred yards wide, maybe more

The current is now in full flight
at places the water runs pure white
over shoals, stones, logs and more
with a robust steady roar

The scaly birches dip their limbs
which bow and sway with currents whims
as they brush the surface like a broom
in the shaded shoreline's gloom


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