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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



You got your pocket full of ten-dollar words,
all precise and proper,
way too educated for a man like me ...

I can see the want-to in your look,
the squirm in your seat,
where the shiver-me-here
is apparent ...

and me;
unable to contain myself,
the whisper of words is all that's left ...
I want you

“Peace Within”

“When my pain is bleak
And relief is fleeing
My thoughts become weak
With recklessness”

“Agony brings infamy
To my heart of pain
And the peace of Christ
Excels my thought of rashness”

“And meds for coping
Lessens my sadness
Lower my woes
Of high duress”

“And peace from within
Derived from up high
Quiet my thoughts
Of suicide”


There are times when you say no,
when long hours of work and fatigue
conspire to take away your passion,
negating all desires you have for me.

These are days frustrating,
hapless interludes in busy lives
neither patience nor acceptance
can lighten or assuage,

For then my need is hurtful
and desire unrequited, this passion
I have for you as far from
being fulfilled as it can ever be,


The trees are so active today
fanning the air and clouds around
as if they are all in a fray
and throwing pine cones to the ground

All the birds must prove their skill
at landing on the limbs which sway
whether on ridge or tiny rill
earning hazardous flight pay

The air is filled with pollen's haze
as tree pods release their loads
which will settle down for days
on ground, cars and even toads


if i were there
i would tell you

winter is facing up
to its past mistakes

no rain
turned to
damp meadows with
muddied hooves

if you were here
you would say

i've never lived
a discontented season
but you are not shakespeare
and i am not grieving

a death i did not feel

past mistakes find themselves
buried like tall oaks
we can chop them down
but the roots live

rotting where we cannot see them

Did you miss Me?

I returned home
on Palm Sunday
to find knockout roses
behind my brick mailbox
parading their first blossoms of spring.

I found candytuft
faded to green,
saving scattered sprinkles of white
for me to view one more day.

Fallen pink petals of dogwood trees
fluttered through a whimsical ballet
to entertain me on their ballroom floor
of Kentucky bluegrass.


morning chilled breath
the birds are talking
the ice is waiting

this sky the chalk silver
horse that stands
and the hundred silence
miles of endurance

dreamland marionette
tap heel light on strings
sit and tell
the gruelling past
packed in trunks of histories

there are
motions of faces
fixed in perceptions
like doorshadowed

and paces of hunger
scratch prayer messages
on earthen dust page


I've been wondering
if you still see me
in everything Australian

I remember how
you shopped for shrubs
to put in your back garden

and the day
you cornered that poor girl
at the office meeting
just to hear her accent

do our trees still grow
in the dry breath of
California air


have they died
fighting for life
the weeds of us

we hit skid row



[How Charles Bukowski might have handled the nursery rhyme ‘Hark, hark, the dogs do bark’]



we hit skid row

as the greasy rain


the sidewalks


we threw

our empty bottles

at the mutts



the dumpsters




we crashed out

in a doorway


for the city

to open


Johnny and me

pulled our


round us

feeling in

the torn pockets


love letter #68

cursing time zones
i regretted missing you,
the conversations

it's been a while now,
since echoes of long distance
voiced opinions to me

things never were bad,
were they

that we can't remember the good
or perhaps
they were never so good

it occurred to me,
you were upstream,
trying to find clear passage
between shit you, yourself made

there is not a point
to drown now-
after the fighting,
after the tremendous valor,
courage and obstinacy
you showed


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.