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Played and flayed
Unmade and betrayed
Skinned alive
All my innards cut and displayed
By your virulent blade

S & T,
I, T, C, H
All I feel for you is hate
S & T,
I, T, C, H
You are my perfect mistake

Where did your hate come from?
What did I do to cause your rage?
You took me by surprise
Led me on with those innocent eyes

"All but a Lie"

Lay down your head my love,
lay it down on my chest,
listen to my heartbeat,
may it cause you to rest.
Rest with your eyes closed,
slow down your breath,
drifting away,
into a warm solomn death.

Dream of a sunset;
bathe in the sea,
dream of the serpent,
entwined in a tree.
Listen to waves,
they crash against sand,
watching a raven fly,
may it perch on your hand.

The Cross

The Cross

It does no-one harm to get down on their knees
To reflect on this week's life, with humility.

Yet I would not do so before an image of a gallows
Nor would an iron maiden better suit my meditations
and combining an instrument of death,
with an instrument of torture,
in the form of a cross,
Is a ghastly symbol
to worship before.
Give me a view,
any natural view
will do.


I've missed the smell of honeysuckle
and sweet magnolia blooms
seeping through night's open windows
and permeating darkened rooms

For spring is here and winter's gone
the world is colored now by life
dabbed with water color pastel brushes
it seems the shades have all run rife

Then there are the varied greens
from olive drab to emerald bright
adding a subtle pollen smell
through out the day into the night

The Birth of Eddy Styx

Now: When night falls, the surrounding hills embrace the remains of the setting sun, opening into scattered canyons in the sky.

Somewhere between twilight and dusk is where I find a painted odyssey and the restoration of the ruined dreams lost in childhood's transition to maturity.

Then: But a woman child of thirteen, you raped and took my innocence - a trusted family member, you.

I remember the car in which you would drive me home after babysitting your innocent young children.

Rainy Day, Puppet Play

Summer rain trickles tears of boredom
Until Mrs Mop the puppet comes out to play
Peek-a-boo! Hiccup! Slosh
Changing the mood to waves of laughter.

Sorry guy's completely changed it! Lol

god didn't make gardens

god didn't make gardens
for us
to murder flowers
strange we can do it
without the sight of blood

without you
i can breathe
without me
you can pray

for indistinct faith
and impossible stories that
make men

a woman's experiment

Silent Observer (Co-write with Ziggy)

I am the silent observer
the mute intruder.
Trespassing upon conversations,
glimpsing expressions, glancing stare.

A fleeting mood,
lasting first impressions intrude.
Opportunistic eye catcher,
no words a silent smile, capturing you.

Transient, bypassing in-depth inspection
Skimming the surface, scanning your psyche,
nothing but a brief interlude.
Minimal interaction, self preservation, I conclude,

Impressionatomy 101 - (revised)

We were introduced, "unlikilly-like"
if we were to agree that that's a word,
her demeanor seemed so serious that
it called for the absurd.

So, I began to re-scramble words
and string them crazily on a strand,
and offered to clasp them 'round her neck
in hopes she'd understand.

Her aura was simplistical mystical
her eyes captured each scene,
then, she portrayed a knowledge worthy
the wisdom of a queen.

haiku I

I am leaves that fall
withering in the earths soil
Spring, a new cycle.


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