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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Vision Screen: The Bottom Line

On time is usual for me.
Today I was early enough
to enjoy the routine
of completing both sides
of two forms
like I did six months ago
and six months before.
I pressed information to the lines
in cursive form learned
via the Palmer Method.

I wrote
exact data
as the pervious pages
in my thick manila folder
resting next to the phone
on the receptionist’s counter.

Dumb F#&*...

The arguement goes on and on, the brothers don't agree
The incessant voices in my head, are slowly killing me
Killer wants to get revenge, he cannot stand the pain
The shouting of them both is driving me insane

Sir Gee is losing this one, Killer's got him down
I think tonight we're going... out to ride around
In fact, there is a certain someone, that we want to see
He has a little silver gun; used it robbing me


*I caught the Haiku flu and decided to bring this back from old site

In the spirit of poetry crossing all cultural boundaries, I shall present the poem and then translations.

............Classic Japanese
Peace and calm prevail
lending all contented lives
a goal to strive for

............Southern "Redneck"
Hey ya'll be cool now
we'll git some grits and collards
then lay in the shade

Book Report

I humbly offer this request
so that you might hear me out,
you may be quite enlightened
to finally learn what I'm on about.

I'm trying not, to "up-one" you
like some importance from ones' youth,
but, should you finally reach my age
then, you'll know I speak the truth.

For instance, I'm at long last convinced
that an accidental shove,
is probably some message
angel sent, from up above.


Rumbling, pounding, shaking, sounding,
Rushing, roaring, emotions soaring,
Screaming, dreaming, stomach squeaming,
Shaking, quaking, pulse is racing,
Leaping, squeaking, no time for speaking,
Dashing, daring, extremely scaring,
Churning, turning, muscles burning,
Ride the roller coaster!

haiku III

The stars are the eyes,
the universe is watching
While you watch it move

haiku II

" The universe can,
influence impact on life.
Stand there and watch it"

slender trap

i would find us
in a small flower
faces turned to
make sway with sun
i would be rain
to fall softly
drops, radiant
and into snow
as winter laments
a sad aria of melodic white

but would you be my spring
leaping into summer's warmth
arms spread
waiting for a rosebud's birth

: ) : ) : ) : ) 's

walking to the corner store
I saw a girl
she smiled at me
I felt good
she was pretty

a sweet simple gesture
high-lighting a day

you've heard the expression
"high on life"
think I've discovered
the active ingredient
...a sweet simple gesture

don't bogart the buzz
pass it around


Cold water
white basin
turqouise dreams
periphery schemes

a light flickers
like a storm
hot on approach

I feel my heart
beat against
the threshold
I memorize the

if you were here
you could stop

I feel freedom
blue skies
and soaked boots

how I dream of your
hand in mine
let go and let
all that tumble

hold on
and walk as dusk
formats a creative


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.