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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Stars faltered,
pausing in swift westward march
across the cloud-stained moonless sky
when I halted, eager on the edge of forest
between the fitful graze of starlight
and shadows' brooding touch.

I listened, straining for another drift of music
through still and silent trees,
and found that trace of utter passion
still skirling hushed yet unrelenting,
urgent in both thought and flesh,

Final Appeal / DENIED

I stand before you
done, finished, nada
a ghost
with only pleas
for mercy and the key to this
pearly gated community

I openly admit to orneriness
and being an ingrate of magnificent proportion
and as was my way
perpetrated pitifully paltry acts of spite
in cowardly fashion
I have been bold in nothing
even as I spat vile dissertations,
disaffections, and perturbations
at your incessent interference
in my existance
where I was to be my own god,
I did so in silence

love letter #9

what a war we have...
had, truth is
we were opposed to white
preferred red and potent

nothing new there
our poetry was insignificant
i understood it
i tried to cope with you
you spoke my poetry
and now it doesn't sound decent
or understandable

i've watched us burn twice
most noticeable was
your reaction

nothing changed
nothing corrected

the poets in us still dreamed
the politicians lied and
the homeless remained

all alone

Before Dusk Settles

That fleeting moment
while Sun kisses the horizon
is like our parting

Shadows disappear
sooner than memories fade
into twilight

I gather the sand
of our footprints and castles
ingrained with our love

Before dusk settles
I sprinkle the sand
upon our rose beds


this log that laid upon the ground
was hewn by hand with gentle care
envisioned by the sculptor's eye
whose hands took time to stop and share

this canvas filled with brilliant hues
that thus depicts the artist's views
regardless if I understand
has shared the soul and art of man

a mother's eye rests on her child
despite the pain of birth, behold
of nature bad or good she smiled
her art worthy of more than gold


land awakens
berry blue sky
once the colour
of pellets or ore
on the warm
burgundy slag
and the oil of cresote

grasses hush dry
from winter
preserved from
another year
and season

I remember the sound
of rain arriving in
breezes and wind
whispering in its
spirit voices
cold on my forehead
collecting in my brows
and eyelashs

the dark growing darker
in the huddled tamarack
beneath the sculpted

"A Return to Eden"

Stained filthy brick,
lining dark alleys,
little light penetrates,
inner recesses of these shadowed walls.
Slick rainbow shades of color,
sit atop puddled ground.
Tiny vials,
glass pipes,
litter soiled earth.

human waste,
foul each breath inhaled.

Character building

Back aches and heart break
from sleepless nights
in a Buick, life is a mess

Keeping my head high
telling myself
"I can get through this"
It is simply a test

What should have been
New York strip
and glasses of Champaign
is a bowl of top ramen
and a cup of kool-aid

My pride won’t let
me beg for change
or lean on a friend for a
place to stay


Two pair of eyes in the darkness
Four ears to hear the hurt
The beating, thuds and whimpers
From the muzzle in the dirt

A snarling maw, a shadowy form
Two fists of fury hot
Teeth that shred and tear your flesh
Mercy... there is not

Your dog was ever loyal
He don't need this kind of grief
Now we're gonna torture you
When you die, you'll get relief

Killer kicks some ribs and breaks them
The Black... he rends his hand
Oozing blood and gasping breath
Will not let him stand

A Forgone Conclusion

There were times when I was growing up
and my worldly troubles were bothering me,
where I couldn't face things life put in my way
so, my intentions were to pack, and then flee.

I know now, that the answer
wasn't running away from home,
all the mishaps, and the misfortunes
will follow me wherever I roam.

So, that set my mind to thinking
it does that now, and again;
but, life's always going to hurl bad things
that you still have to deal with, in the end;


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.