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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Become Yesterday

It feels like yesterday already,
eternal winter ambience surrounds existence
with barren trees and heavy limbs.

Memories like bonfire embers dance
tauntingly about my ghost...
beautiful sparks: offspring of hypnotic flame
threatening to set me ablaze
even as I reach out to hold on to their warmth.

But that's the past personified;
tantalizing, promises of heat and comfort
where only burning ash remain
flickering, lilting in the air
before disappearing into cold and sordid night.

Breaking point...

Killer moved silent, through the crowded room
o'er crossed limbs, amid snores
An angel of doom

He just wanted, to kill them all dead
Smash faces, still voices
See only red

He looked for a weapon, one to kill
Oh, so many choices
He had dreams to fufill

For the first, he had, such an evil plan
Turned up the fire
got the cast-iron pan

Pressed to the face, screams; Oh, Bloody Mary!
If it wasn't so funny
it would be awfully scary

Seasons (Splash Pool 'Writing Forms' Workshop)

Seasons (original)

The Autumn leaves fall around my feet
I crawl
My legs so weak, my body's beat
The seasons demon breaks my aching soul

The Winter snow drifts around my knees
I creep
Arms so cold, I begin to freeze
The seasons monster wrecks my silent life

The Spring dew drips upon my face
I walk
Mind weary, stuck in this place
The seasons vampire steals my lost soul

The Summer sun burns my tender skin
I fall
Exhausted, head caught in a spin
The seasons Devil deals me a wasted life

Come Away With Me

Come talk with me
we might have common oddities,

we could atleast see where it goes
no one knows, until they try things on for size;

come play this bantering game with me
you must know I kinda like you,

I've been exploring with my eyes
I hope you didn't reognize, I tried to be subtle;

come stay awhile
and we'll see what happens with our thoughts

'cause I've been wondering 'bout yours, of late
we could share a game of chemisry;

a river runs through Africa

in the purple afterlife of twilight
seconds after leaving a bar of
drunken friends and strangers
twelve hours after you bury
your greatest loss, bury it
deep in thick soil, setting the
summer sky on fire like a funeral pyre
the sky shuts you off from the sun
and entrenches you in darkness that
feels like a right place to be

the people watch
from behind their glass, like
leopards in trees

escape, where is this?

Red or black

It's concerned with it's weight in gold
the truth is based on lies,

good intentions always pave the road
but, that's where the spii dies;

offering your oter cheek
just before the punchline's told,

it relates to checks, and balanes
and your resale price, if sold;

it's all you could imagine
and everything that you could dream,

each failure turns to victory
and we learn from the extreme!

It's judged wih weights, and measures
so,your heartaches lead to joy,


On an afternoon of rain and wind
thoughts go to where they shouldn't stray
and wander forward to the end.
Who shall leave and who shall stay?

I don't think I could bear to see
my life's love lying cold and still.
So selfish as the wish might be
let me be the first to top that hill.

But should I be the one bereft,
wait just past the crest for me.
I know my heart will soon be cleft
and I'll be caught up with you shortly

Like Trees

We sway like leaves in the wind,
bend like twigs under pressure,
break like branches in a strong storm.

But we stand,
firm and grounded...
like trees standing eternally,

for our love has rooted,
grounding us.



You must appreciate,
That the Phoenix
Here is not I
But a distraught one
I did try to rise
Above the pavilion of self,
Tsunamied by the grace
Of thy God
Tis only love
I wanted upon my soul
To shower upon that Phoenix,
A beautiful flower
Ere the limitations
Of physical constraints
Cease her to exist
But she has a heart of gold
To her poetry and mind
Despite her limitations
I’m sold


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.