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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



A money lender went to the station
To complain and to make a case
Against his debtor for many years
After he defaulted on the principal
And the monthly takings he made

So he woke up early in the morning
Laid wait to catch in a hide and seek
He asked an interpreter to go with him
To help him in what he would say
At the counter of a local police post

Let the sun shine :)

Let the sun shine on your face,

Let it wash and let it erase.

The pain of many years,

The upset and fears.

Let the sun wash it all away.

Let the sun shine on your heart,

Let it wash away the fear when you embark.

Let it make you smile with all of your soul,

Let it make you know you are in control.

Let it erase all confusion and doubt,

No matter what it is about.

Let it take over,

Lean back let it cover.

Stretch out your arms, lean back your head, breath deep,


There's too much ugliness by far
which we must face 'most every day
hatred, famine, senseless war,
and the evil people do and say

Bills past due sales people, rude
lay-offs and insecurity
politicians lying and being crude
loss of innocence and purity

Is it a wonder I escape this world
whenever I take pen in hand?
And write of beauty, leaves unfurled
how the sunset looks so grand?

Light Verse

there is light on the surface
darkness inhabits the depths

some like the cold deep
making their own light
I don't know how
or have forgotten

so I remain on the surface
where even night is brighter
than a wasted day spent
delving unending blackness

there, I find only despair

lone fruit of the dark

into the mystery

the secret of heather
spills into daylight
there are nubile spirits
roaming Elysian fields
we will rest here
amoung the tender leaves
of passion,
we will ignite the flame
and show each other
the light
we will die a little every day,
until the scent absorbs us.

the fresh cut grass has stories to
tell. everything is holy, everything
is flame and water
we write into poems..

Blood Lust

Eyes blaze in deep within the murk
fangs dripping in inhumanity,
immortal companions veiled in depravity,
draped in profanity.

Stalking their prey
with cat like precision,
sensuous seduction ,
playing with their food.

Terror stricken hearts give way
pierced jugular,
drained of dignity.
Human husks left by the way side.
victims of blood lust.


Some eyes grow dim with age
And so with what they perceive
Analyze carefully what you see
Deception lurks around with illusion

The nose is nuptial to smell
Polygamous in types and kinds
Nasal hairs filter, smell selected
Confused with taste at times

The tongue takes a lick with a tang
Between the bitter and the sweet
A taste measured by its worth
Safety sew up, in time of need

for Sam

across a bridge of signs
peace rolls in with the thunder
zigzag lightning traces across your face,
illumines my memory
I can see you smile
with the ache of those who are dead
but do not sleep

I reach out for you, you
evaporate into a thought
I have miles
and you have eternal rest
but do not sleep.

the picture in the frame
stays the same
and sometimes we touch
that which is fleeting
like wild geese of Autumn

we leave no trace in the sky
our shadows gliding over earth.


When I passed my exams
To go for higher studies
Shortly after dad died
My mother asked me
Where I would get the money
My answer was simple
Like the bird, it sows not
And reaps not, but feeds

Once, I was told
How hard it is to tell
The suffering of the past
When success comes
And how you don’t tell
The tale of the rain to fire
Time heals, but the scar remains
The story of suffering slipped away

Ghost Train.

I hear a train whistle blowing about a half mile away,
Under the covers is where I will stay.
The devil is riding the ghost train picking up lost souls,
taking them to hell amongst the heated coals.
Every living person must hide and keep still,
Away from glass doors away from the window sill.
A dark and scary night is upon me tonight,
A cold chill fills the air and so does fright.
October 31 on all hallows eve,
I wish so badly I could just leave.
That old black ghost train gives an eerie sound,


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.