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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



through fingertips
each fire flare strand
a wind free fragment
entirety bewitched
a shoulder length
for jewel light

On His Way... [Graphic violence]

I had savaged him, torn out his eyes
He still fought on and on
I gave his body another blow
his will to live was strong

Anubis grabbed a leg
pulling muscle from the bone
Bloody jaws of death
teeth as hard as stone

Broken fingers and mangled hands
shards of bone stuck out
He twisted in my grasp once more
his throat gave a whispered shout

His lips peeled back in a rictus grin
as he tried to gouge my face
I held him off and shook him hard
he was clawing empty space

Composite (for emotions workshop) *Plus*

Workshop piece composite on emotions:

I hear your voice so clear
in the cunning darkness falling
It comes to me in ecstasy
I hear you deep voice calling

she has duped many a soft-hearted fool
even though she's a practiced hand

vicious bitch of maliciousness
once claimed to be my friend
how you used and abused me

she wished for them
to feast upon
little green apples
with tiny brown worms

The Blinder Side of Fate

I've made my choice
as to where I stand,
I've greatly considered the source;

I sure hope things
turn planned;
we must stay true, the course.

I have completed
each, and every detail,
things should go - without a "hitch";

we all must "focus"
and not, derail;
good intentions, could land us in a ditch!

We co-operated
quite stellerrlally,
to get everything under, way;

paper thin lions

The end of summer rain
my five a.m. French Roast
warmly swallowed tufts of earth
what is there to say dear Poem
that has not yet begun to course
the rivulets of my being?
to what avail is your precise incision
of words--
these small abstractions and this remnant
paradox, this hoax
perpetuated? Where are your conclusions

Acrid Mist writing with emotion workshop

You have what I want
Tiny bites nip at my
Self control.

I need what you have
An ache cramps
My back.

Give it to me
Got have it,
It’s not yours.

Mamool Cookies

She enveloped the stage with easy grace,
a master of images and annotations of significance

The moon was full with redemption and poked her head
through narrow streets, through the wealth of boulevards;
if love can bear it all, the tip of a poet's tongue
is always touching the immensity of her heart
beating with blind eyes and deaf ears,

Fumes- writing with emotion workshop

I examine the toxic alcohol tainted fumes,
looking for an answer, searching for loves lost,
and opportunities tangled in the distant past.
Reaching for a future.

I recall the pub crawls and the booze soaked brawls
and in return receive a fist filled with splintered dreams
the boy i once was, three sheets to the wind ,
and drowning in my grief, hoping for a tomorrow.


Whilst weekend purse went lean
Except for five Naira tucked away
For a time like this, in a book
I couldn’t find the money
I left my doors always open
That is just who I am
Frustrated in my search
I leveled accusation
On the little boy next door
Assertive quiz, convinced
Ingenuousness stood tall
I was the one who lost money
Three months have passed
Strain continued to dig the divide


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.