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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Never fuck with an elf

Never fuck with an elf
for we are subtle and quick to anger.
bloody lie!
We use subtlety if needs be,
as a means to any end.
we'll break dodo eggs to make our omelettes

You wonder why the dinosaurs died?
One farted in my general direction

The plagues of Egypt?
the pharoah dissed my poetry

The fall of the Roman empire?
Nero played badly

but if you really piss me off
I make it slow
lingering and painful
like the death of capitalism.


Okada, the rag tag throng in the south
Of motorbike transportation business
Achaba, the northern name for the trade
Rides on rough and stormy city roads
Trap for broken bones and scarred skin
The morgue is where some make their beds

Carnage on our roads is no longer news
Check the obituary information columns
You will see what I really mean to say
So the government decided on a law
To help the learned and uninformed
An attempt to check casualty figures


jawline twitch
and dusk streaming
like a hot needle
the shaft of hope
between the drawn
before night sweeps
clean the shadows
and fires her stars
with dreams
that fall

without sound

and the hollow
of the hours
when I leave
this door

when the mirror
is quiet
and says no more

I shall think of
smokey seasons

and remember
where that ache
shall stay

Petrified Wood


If ever the touch of my inconstant heart
leaves a trail of snow that must be followed....


From where dry leaves of early autumn fall,
a sullen shade of rust,
to raise my eyes to hear
the sudden cry of gulls on a grey-misted day
beyond the verse and impasse of wild geese leaving
shadows across the earth,


Seems what ever I say 
it turns around and bites me in the arse.
Whatever I do it's wrong.
Some my label me a victim.
Well I say fuck them and shit on that,
I don't conform, you won't bring me down.

I can never win I won't let my self
If you don't beat me then I will.
But don't be fooled
I will fight back tooth and nail.

A Friend in Need

in the corner of a crook
there is an orange headed beauty
that kicks about in her scullery
all the makings of a fine dinner

seated near there is a man
who was made a boy by a
departure and so hung on his
feelings like a coat to a rack

she bustled down home nostalgia
from the boiling pot and
chop chop chop of veggies
making quick dissipating patterns

All In Humility

Only great people
are humble like you
and I,

That's why along the sea beaches
we roll
the surfs pass by ...

But then some one looks back
and says
Wasn't he
Yeah that's
All about life aint it.

Stormy, and Not a Cloud in the Sky

It matters not, how many times
a blatant falsehood is repeated
you can even tell it 'til your face turns blue;

it can never bring real comfort
in the long run, to any heart
because, of course; it never, ever will ring true.

On a cold day in october
'twas a truth I had to learn,
one so very stark, in it's own reality;

I couldn't help but let it "fester"
hurting the heart that is my own,
'twas relentless, and just wouldn't let me be.

Making a New Friend

She fell
through the spaces in time
she landed
in another world

adrift of reality
an army surplus coat
remnants of glory
adorn its lapels

from cigarette butt
to the next
she weaves unseen
under the crowd

rummaging bins
discovering uneaten burgers
cold French fries

I watched until …

we broke bread
under an iron steed
we drank from a tin
baked beans its last passenger

she still slips from dimensions
that hold her locked in delusions

Wasted Youth

Eat and be merry
A glass of wine with cherry
Sparkling in eyes
Of vibrant young

Nothing of concern
Is discerned
Staring in bottom
Of bottle of booze
Youthful fun
Faded memories
Looking back on
Wasteful youthfulness
Experience, knowledge
Deep rooted
Produced wisdom 
From bottom of the barrel


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.