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Seems what ever I say 
it turns around and bites me in the arse.
Whatever I do it's wrong.
Some my label me a victim.
Well I say fuck them and shit on that,
I don't conform, you won't bring me down.

I can never win I won't let my self
If you don't beat me then I will.
But don't be fooled
I will fight back tooth and nail.

I'm a paradox, on the one hand I'll kick your arse
On the other I'm as fragile as bone china.
I have hard crust but an oozy gooey centre.
I'm easily maimed . 
But I can't be tamed. 

Editing stage: 


It seems to me that you don't care much for my opinion enough to ever acknowledge my presence on your poem. That's ok, I'll say it anyway: an awesome poem. Probably your best and tells you like you are. And that's a good thing, self-acceptance is the best gift
we can ever give ourselves.

However, not one of us is a paradox, we're comprised of seeming opposite energies...


I always respond.

Thank you


Stand tall, be proud to be who you are, give the world the finger!!!!

author comment

I am very bad at punctuation



Stand tall, be proud to be who you are, give the world the finger!!!!

author comment
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