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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Distant Planes Of Dreams(co-write w/Cat in chat)

On many a cold night
My mind will remember
Your soft,smiling eyes
And I cry
To the shadows
For release
From the sadness of
Emotions gone wild
But not forgotten

Your deep, smokey voice
Calls to me
From across the sea

When will we meet
On distant planes
Of joyous expectation
Fulfilling a dream
Of getting lost
Within your sighs

Loup Garou Dan...

Standing in the alley, on three legs, one bended knee
Drunker than a skunk... trying to take a pee
His tail is sopping wet, his paws are damp and dewy
Dan's head is really pounding, he's feeling somewhat screwy

What the Hell is happening, how did he get this way?
He was attacked and got a bite, that's all that I can say
Dan woke up feeling fuzzy, a bit longer in the tooth
Feeling kinda randy, much like in his youth


One night I was walking in the woods,
It was blustery and cold,
I was the night the Whisper came,
And this story must be told.

At first I thought it was the wind,
Blowing in the trees,
Then I heard the slightest voice,
Flowing through the breeze.

I felt warm breath around my neck,
Then it crept up to my ear,
The voice I heard was soft and sweet,
But It filled me up with fear.



Skeletal fingers
Clench around my emptiness
Forcing death’s embrace

My wretched life source
Diminishes in seconds

No life soul released
Existence as a lone ghost
In Purgatory

So, Heaven or Hell
Confess my sins or stay lost
Gates of Hell, open!

© 2011

Blown away

Oh! How can I forget your face
The tenderness, of your embrace
Your precious smile your gentle kiss
These things, I know, I’ll always miss
The way you’d squeeze and hold me tight
And making love all through the night
The way you’d talk the whole day long
Or sing some sad old country song
The times we had, and we had some
But sadly now the time has come
For this will be our final parting
But I won’t miss your constant farting

Wish-fulfilling Jewels

Your green eyes betray your mouth,
my old love,
you say you are not lonely and you are
happy to live alone again
you say you don't need anyone to make
you whole, neither do I, perhaps you've
just forgotten, perhaps you never understood

my wedding band
is a golden crown of thorns I haven't worn
for years, but I know with certainty that
love is not a jaded or angry face,

A Poet's Nobel

Today after years
a Swedish Nordic poet
was awarded

Someday when in the bushels of time ,
we surface more simpler than naive
perhaps our faces shall reveal ,
the purpose of mankind


Forsaken moments ravage sour memories
forced to form a never-ending yearning
that excruciating agony has carefully sewn
to keep me bound to his own tiny headstone

There's understanding Chronos does not heal
but forms a scar that, with time, simply fades
to every other's vision but my own
and sometimes I have fancy that he's been betrayed

choice words...

choice words

Can you dream up a wind or be seen by a sound?
Does your heart count it’s beats, is that which is not ever found?

Strange though they seem these questions are asked
From the depth of a dream with a fact that is tasked.

Will the willow stop bending be the straightest of trees?
Is there no happy ending though we try to appease?

Can you ask of a child what is not known to man?
Do young minds remain wild while ours work to a plan?

Requiem For A Dying City

In these human ruins
marking time with helpless anger
makes the differences between
this world and the next
seem almost bearable.

Where the clime marks bloody rust
on blasted shoreline factories
deep-anchored in the broken flesh
of slowly rotting city
in its final death-throes,

the hollow houses all collapse
in slow-festering abandon
few could stop and fewer want to,
where eyeless walls stare vacant
at the empty streets,


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.