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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


On the road to Damascus

I was on the road to Damascus
When suddenly I was struck
No. It wasn’t a Damascene moment
Just big red up truck

Saboteur On Neo

Saboteur On Neo


You Honour me more than I Deserve

Follow my style,
If it can please you
Shake up this world,
Of lonely followers...

Time moves on,
So should we too,
Take to the Eagles wings

We don't know
What all Eagles can achieve.
I do hope,
Others will follow soon.

a labor of love watched by generations

I am not amused
said she
of the eternal sea
raging clouds
and churning brine

sand bags will not hold her back
said he
of the angry swell
larger than time

torrents came
and babies wailed
oceans denied their pleasure,

rainbows appeared soon after,
and the land was calm,
soaking up her sun, his treasure

soon the moon and stars fell fast asleep
dreaming dreams of a good earth, dreaming of tales
and a siren's song: "If you love, love openly."



[ Jacksonville, Florida 1952]

I remember you in waves of black silk
floating lazily in a summer breeze
grace in slow motion
swaying ecstasy
across the grass
shalimar lingering in the air
as you passed
wide brimmed widow’s hat
pulled down to your eyes
raven night
hidden dark
diamonds sparkling rainbows
in sunlight
ruby lips smiling at whisperis and lies:
the widow's kiss
icy cold.
the passion of many men
a friend to a lonely boy
of ten


On slippery ground
I fell flat
Into muddy water
Soaked and drained
A cold wind blew
I shivered
Goose pimples
Covered my skin

Waking from slumber
The irony hit me, instead
It was a bush fire flickering
Fiery, flaming high
My clothes, untouched
The heat burnt my flesh
Eating deep into my mind


"your love is a gadget"
you place your ear against
my shirt
the pearl accents
(button down)

Long ago you stole
treasure you said
Sable and wealth
your plan inked
upon the cool creed
of your satin flesh

there was a treasure
map scrolled upon
your body
and you dared me to
find the "X"

"Its invisible" you whispered
taunting me to skills
that only true dead reckoning
could fathom

A Great White Elephant Stampedes

I awoke to the dust of memories
The stank of sex and cheap body spray
The taste of alcohol and sweat
Sunlight gleaming through separated blinds
The pounding of my heart in my head
The subtle movements that feigned romanticism
Like a record at its end, still spinning and clicking over and over
I heard wind, and leaves rustle about



© Cyrus Dali Vesuvala


I don’t need your fucking pity:

Haven't yet lost all my pride-

I don’t need your damned charity:

All I ever asked for was your time.


If my loving you makes you think you're stronger,

And has caused me to drop some, in your sight-

If you think you can keep me hanging on indefinitely longer-

Baby, you just haven't earned that right.


A Killer Workshop...

The shadows in the dim lit alley
gave comfort to his mind
Killer stood with his knife at the ready
waiting for just the right kind

Eyes blinked in the gathering darkness
street cats, rats and mice
He was thinking about his stomach
a lean bad guy would be nice

Killer heard footsteps a'padding
a woman by the sound
There were others right behind her
but she didn't turn around

She was intent on looking for
the child she saw today
She knew the girl was hiding
in the darkened alleyway


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.