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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



It was a long night of dreams
Traveling the long and narrow road
To where we all gathered to check our names
What was going on, I asked a bystander
I inched into the crowd to see clearly,
Behold, there it was, the Armageddon
Brim stones and fire falling with heat
The abyss was burning with wailing souls
‘It is the judgment Day’, it dawned on me
The goats were separated from the sheep
Heaven on the right and hell on the left
The good and the bad were sorted out
I hid behind the rocks with fear

Pride and joy

When I was young I had a car
It didn’t cost too much
It didn’t have a speedo
It didn’t have a clutch
The doors, they wouldn’t open
And the roof was non existent
The wheels were always squeaking
And the noise was quite persistent
It never had a gear stick
And the windscreen wasn’t there
This was my pride and joy, and so
I really didn’t care
The only thing that bugged though
Should it begin to shower
I couldn’t get home quick
‘cause, it was only pedal power

a Zen story

Men with guns rule the world
we are not oblivious if we take
advantage of the Ohio sun bearing
down late October;
if we walk along
the Erie Canal,
name the flora and fauna we can never
know from the inside but for the gift
of being human.

The heron speared a perch, we waited and left,
it takes a long
time for a fish to die and be swallowed,
I had a lucid dream once, perhaps it was you,
smoke-feathered coming closer...


I scream and shout
but no one can hear me
I'm mute in their world.

I die a little in increments,  
then revive just enough to survive,
at the end of the day.

We are an alien clan ,
set to wander upon this small planet,
cocooned in our own universe.

How could anyone fathom 
the tangled depths, of another's despair,
and heights of their joy.

When we meet we will lay our burdens down,
we will need no more.
We will exist for one another.
Nothing more.


The relapse was swift
the scenes changed fast
I could hardly describe
the transport and the means
That took me far away
not by air, land and sea
I found myself in a place so strange
In the middle of a great hanging bridge
Over a large expanse of water
the bridge collapsed in front of me
I ran faster than I had ever done
To get to the edge of the bridge
But not fast enough
to cover the stretch
I was afraid of being drowned
So I leaped and soared into space

The Warring Within Me

A  The Warring Within Me

Hard  trying to stay warned
Of conflicts warring in my soul 
The will to live, desiring Sheol 
Freeness from pain lingering in my veins

I look to heaven, thankful for moments, between 
Depressed, feeling distress, none to late
Inner peace increases,  demise releases, as
I lie upon my sick bed, tie-in to God's message

Defending my reasons for leisure
Has become treason
A desirous, Industrious way burns within me
Feeling lazy, mentally dazed

Who did we think we are?

Did we happen to surrender
small chunks of earth we claimed
as our own for a musical pathway to the stars?
Did prayer flags unfurl our camel's survival
in that lonely oasis of our vampire eyes,
why did no one meet us
with the rising sun?

Where were all the unopened doors?

Dead Tree in the Forest

Stark among the lush of youth

tall, unashamed

no leaves twirl downward

no fertile blanket of rot

to feed saplings

fresh with green sprigs.

Many seasons

they have tasted your nourishment.

Do they regard your wisdom

whispered in the mountain breeze?

Do they believe tales told of

life on the hill,

of cycles of torrents, droughts,

penetrating frosts and mountains

of drifted snow?

Do they devour the lore

falling among the leaves?


I saw a monster whose face was blank
With all my strength I tried to run
Something held my legs and dragged them along
Every step was hard a task to do
A witch flew with spells across the sky
I stumbled and began to crawl
Crawling was not easier either
How to escape was all I could think
Each move brought the monster closer
What was that? I turned to look
There it was in changing mode
A strange looking mountain gorilla
An elephant in a human form
A formless entity with all our fears


the hand that reaches across oceans
does not sing a siren's lullaby
does not churn the sea to give birth,
for love makes no demands and spares
neither blossom nor rind
but feeds the magnetic heart
with the scent of ripened fruit,
bearing memory and unyielding pleasure
like a lotus that unfolds,
petal to petal,

only the wisest owl takes life into
consideration, leaves his perch and
flies away, homeless for the sky.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.