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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


when the nights are long

You write me into your poem
and take me into your arms,
a promise not really remembered
but not ever forgotten,
there is laughter in the sunrise,
sometimes life is a waking dream
come true
when there is love without shadow.

Your eyes are diamonds of light. Your eyes
are beds of hot coal that sear through me,
igniting me.
Opening me.
Opening me to that other world we never
leave behind.


We all really are....
Poetically musical

Though I'm prosaically cynical
Though we are not related
Yet all in life is relative

The moon and sun only
Are naturally

As human race
From the earth is
Absolutely abhortive

Fruit bowl

Fruit bowl…

Ornate these oranges placed beside
apples and grapes, on a well
polished table while people die,
from need.

But fret not, the polish has
dust rings around a rose bowl
that it may hunt and clear,
with speed.

Tidy or untidy houses with
sloping roofs, that all matter
slides free, elucidates our
clean slate.

A ramshackle tented village
has flat roofs, to catch
whatever comes there,
still they wait.

Tulips in November

In November I dream of tulips
while your hands open me like a psalm,
you sing me into poems and alabaster sand,
you feed my marrow with harmony,
with you I know how the sky fills the earth
with spaces between
the two of us.

I bought twenty tulips at the Westside Market, ten paper-white ones,
ten blush pink. We bring each other to perfection. We take all we are
with us to that quaking threshold.

without you (poem by Barry)

how clearly I saw myself
when you brushed a rebellion of hair
to the ranks of God
quaking the mountain on which my
heart lay
in that stranger cold
without you

dying Asters (Barry's poem)

I'm Joe
this guy you don't know
bent back and looking
far below

beneath the bridges built
in stone, in evening shadows
the cold dying asters
are in colors that hold their tongues
till morning

F i v e

my palm
and pressed within
the secrets
that cut and burn
that run cold like an ache

beneath this starry flame
i make no claims

but you
you know my walk
my lean
and press your hip
along the edge
where we watch
for our ghosts

Of Grief

Grieve not for the loss of me
do not mourn,
each morn
Just believe,
when I say
't was good

I've lived
loved those days
then the wind came
did blow me away

Like a candle of sorts
just flickering away

Grieve not for me now
from this moment,
this day
I beseech you,
if you love me
love me,
as ever
the same way


deeper than meaning

some poetry is dreamy
gliding words slide
warm and enticing

yet a mystery remains
much the same as
not understanding my own dreams

I quite enjoy them anyway

John and Sarah

His head is down,
she thinks it's depression,
but his stomach is so bad
there are tears to wipe
along with periodic prostate seepage.

Depressed, yes he is.

He doesn't believe he can work,
how will they live,
how can he ever be of value ...

His head is down
but he rises to privately wipe secretions,
and his watering eyes,
so she thinks he is only depressed.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.