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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



The tide flows in from the sea
Bringing in great things from abroad
Big merchant ships berthing at ports
We dredged our water ways

Digging deep muddy beds and swamps
Our produce ebbed with a hiss to the sea
Our kids in pursuit of greener pastures
Craze for visas, a wave of brain drain

Boats and canoes in shallow waters
Like leaves dropped in running rain water
Empty the drift into the Atlantic
And are buried with the flood



Ancient arisen yet only two quarters into life,
soul with fire i will not fall to the dark this night.
Go gentle at the close of this day,
for an old arisen man, leads with the light.
Two quaters and the knowing, born from dust
with ease,
to return spellbound if i must.

Hot Pursuit

Been scouring the interweb, trying to procure
A simple little gadget that’s available, I’m sure
I’ve never seen one advertised, not even on TV
If you know where they sell them, can you get in touch with me
E bay had some stuff to find a buried treasure chest
But nothing that would help locate, the object of my quest
I need to get one quickly, before they disappear
To lose them all completely is, by far my greatest fear
Their numbers dwindle daily,and as more and more abscond
I wish that there was someone who could wave a magic wand


he is outspoken
but too many words have gone unsaid
she's in his heart
he's in her head
they're broken, lying in their bed

so he said
could you love me?
i'm so lonely
push is coming to shove
who have you been dreaming of?
are you sure
am i still yours?

why don't you leave me, lovely
'cause you've drugged me
with your moonlight
with your eyes
i guess we're no surprise
coming undone.

CLARITY OF DAWN (some Haiku)

Before the sunrise
autumn colors clearly seen
without the blue haze

All is frosted white
as last stars desert the sky
chased by rising sun

Silence rules the world
no breath of wind stirs the air
the morning stage waits

The still is broken
by the sharp snap of a twig
as a doe drifts by

* seems I can never write just one Haiku lol

I've lived long enough
that everything I've ever hurt
has hurt me back,
and that's just my body talking.

I walked too many miles on stilettos,
ran too long with my back out of whack,
fell on black ice, once too often and been
hit from behind three times,
my vehicle worse for the wear and tear,
my extremities frost bitten for the art of undress.

Piss Off...

Your gods are imaginated, your values really suck
I'm everything you've hated and I don't give a fuck
What makes you think that you're so great;
" I'm better than you are? "
Compared to you, a maggot, is a flaming star

Perverted priests of your religions, bugger little kids
Our leaders have us broken, we're on financial skids
You talk about world peace, while destroying other's citys
Blow up little children, while they're sucking mommy's titties

Burning Fridge

I recall
Years down the ladder of time,
When our maid opened the fridge,
It had moist vapours ensuing
She alarmed all present there
Hello all come and see,
The fridge is burning.

We all laughed at her simplicity,
The maid was shunning.

Time Is God!

Let past slumber
In the folds of time
Let another sunrise each time


To bring glory
In the name of God

Whom you call Allah
I call Time.

Year's End

My Lady sleeps now,
pale upon a bower
of brown world,
dreaming new spring
on a bed of old year
wrapped in frost
and hints of coming snow.

Her breath is stilled,
in the growing cold
and darkening skies
all left behind
by Autumn's flight
across the world,


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