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M.Ann Waddicor. 1st February 2012.

Little letter, like a snowflake
tossed in the sky,
coming to rest on your doorstep.

Each snowflake a perfection all its own,
flown from the damp of winter skies,
frozen in flight to crystal shapes,
as cold as stone to hands of man.

Joining the mass of white wet glinting piles
on forest, field, and brook,
or on the paths frequented by yourself,
such silent stealth, and yet they make their sound.

Tracing the Forest Domicile (an old one)

Tracing the forest domicile
away from a shadowy civilization.
A dark toiling earth,
bereft nobility and worth,
amend self gratification.

Searing plains of adversity,
walls, ignorant, situate torn minds, once blissful.
Promise to appease,
a heavy avalanche of knees.
Thoughts in action turn choice deedful.

Yet still recede I to a cavernous mind,
meandering tunnels through questions too deep,
for beneath the surface, emptiness will seep.
Light shatters darkened forms to keep thee entwined.


A common garden pest?

If elephants consume your plants
And devastate your lawn
Don’t run about or scream and shout
Just wait until they’ve gawn
For elephants are very large
And everybody knows
It really really hurts
Should they step upon your toes


Get the morning up!

Our night'been too long.
For daylight, now I do long.
Out, for dignity do all throng.
Hand in hand sing the salvation song.

Get the morning up!

Sprung, bounteous mobs I can hear.
Forget the flowers of yesteryear.
The new Spring, they'll never sear.
Tendered gore,them all will rear.

Get the morning up!

Groveling, servility never been inhere.
Your roaring silence, don't veneer!
Away chase the mighty jageer.
To lustering Springs, let's all adhere!

dO sTay

The loss will be entirely ours,
to lose such a gallant poet,
Tell us not of the vexations caused,
think of us
who shall miss you most

You and I have been bombarded daily
But I don't damn care,
for the sound of music I create
with all I do share
Some grunt, many laugh,
Others shunt:

Never mind the worse forms of human beings,
else these words
Grunt, shunt and laugh,
will be buried at once


I look back upon this lengthy trail
and barely see where it began
for it's faded like a white contrail,
like any effort left by man.

Distance masks the rougher parts.
From here rivers seem mere brooks.
There's no sign of the stops and starts
or short rests earned in restful nooks.

Overall the path has been ascending
and full of forks along the way
which I often chose merely depending
on the whim which struck that day.

21 Knots

There's a humbling sound
at 21 knots,
this voice
and frightening.

I can hear,
but can't see anyone.
Human words are not sufficient
to even describe it.

I lost the ability to discern it
at Babel's folly,
when I learned the vice of pride.

But in this dark place,
this no place,
and this every place
it is thunderous and piercing
if I just turn my ear into it
12 stories up,
winnowing into sinew,
between joint and marrow
in this deep place.

Chaotic Christmas

Hurry hurry rush rush,
Turkey in the oven and cranberry crush.
The dog sitting starring at the food,
Pretending to be good.
Hoping I will drop a single crumb,
C'mon sparky, I'm not that dumb.
Drooling in a puddle on the floor,
Oh my how gross Sparky go outdoors.

Love Story Number One

It was my fault.
That because of me,
You thought we had love.

That I led you to believe,
That it was fire,
When it was ice.

Maybe I forgave you,
Only to let you keep doing what you did,
Behind my back.

Perhaps you thought that when you were in pain,
I wasn’t.
But I hated that pain.

Because of me,
You tore apart the feeling.
Maybe we had love.


i have a fatal flaw
i'm only inspired
when the darkness attempts to swallow me whole.

Can't write happy cliches,
got to write , full on shit kicking.
And so for me there is no I between

 I'm resigned to the dark side
that's where i live,
that is me

The reason I am still living
is ny ability to plough my feelings
on to the page

I'll use any means available,
Even if it's profanity
To keep the poem moving


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