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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



she comes off as so bold
but if you watch shes scared
shes delicate. shes hurt. shes ............................fragile

like the way a roses thorn
can be so piercing but
the petals are so brittle. the....................................girls

laugh at her. she is different
she is strange. yet she is
beautiful . how does she.........................................get

herself wrapped around my mind how
does she completely lure me in to make
me feel entirely helpless. i can see the..............hurt


Restless is the storm fed ocean
Where she has left a bounty
There upon the shore

But seagulls will not venture
Knowing where the danger lies
If the truth be pure and simple
They'll be no need for alibis

The wind is high and wild
fires sweep the land
as I stare out my window
My coffee cup in hand
A wry smile upon my face
for I now understand

The story is from times of old
over and over it has been told
and oh, by the way
my coffee's gone cold

My Thoughts!

The rage within the poet and critique
rages without volition
no speed
it divulges of its own
in both .

The poet is at liberty to seek comfort
Yes solace or pity
massage ones ego
so be it ,
as an original creator of a verse
or one who only generates a curse .

come what may
poets must never be disturbed
as other's minds
may be by birth worse .



Silence has its own voice
whispers behind rhyme and verse
a truth deeper still
beyond what words convey.

the mind cannot understand
what it cannot measure
the heart cannot reason
the tragedy of its ending.
the soul is afraid to speak
yet must share and tell another
in silent voice
its hopes and fears.


Night feels all
sleepless beneath
a dream kept company

womens voices soft
murmur in my head
the funeral and the

outside the cars gleamed
polished and waxed
a hearse waited large
as a horse team
full of chrome

half visions in the night
wound with sorrows
bound with fears
those of yesteryear
brought back to life

unlike precious time
that jumped
stretched and existance
was questioned
weaving like vines
like the heat

I Am Woman

I am a woman

It's not my fault
I was born a paradox
sweet and soft and malleable
but armed,
with a brain as quick as a rabbit,
a tongue as sharp as a dagger
and a spirit that will not yield

Kill me, beat me, rape me,
you'll never, ever break me
I was born a woman,
a goddess in the womb

not a stallion born to be broken.



Slap slap
slap slap
thwacks window pane, a car horn

trap trap-trap
exhaust, a flock of starlings
dust dust dust

fumes intoxicating
flap flap-flap flap
grind squeak, iron gate

grey silent, contra horn

flowers drop petals
floshed flooshed
floshed flushed

searing monotone
madness, frets
frenzied shouts
a slam.

Genie in a Bottle 1

My grief more than I know
Locked in my veins
Lashed out in my system
Makes me cry out in vain
At your disappearance

You left me all alone
In this dark cold world
To fight these hard core battles
At least, when you were here
I found comfort in a companion

Like a genie bottle
I would take you from the sill
Nigh my heart
Place you on my knobby knees
Log you on the internet

Abstraction, Algebra and Anger

Clever. Sometimes I'm just too clever
for the logic of my pen. My hands better in supplication
than the subtraction manifest in solemn rites of division
though I am not yet conquered by the aftermath left in
the spongy wake of lovers and starfish, trying out
walking feet in the crazed
boat of despair.
Why do I get the feeling
that all is lost but the sea? You say I am full
of myself. Well, who else would share your bed?

Crystal Heart

My heart pure crystal when you came to me
Full of love sharing caring
Yet always close to breaking

I warned you that you can share my time
But do not shatter my dreams
However you had an agenda

To use me up and spit out the pieces
A crystal heart already easily shattered
You hit hard with greed and anger

Took the remainder of crystal glowing
Consumed all I had given
Yet I remained smitten

You etched the shine with abuse
Laughed as my heart cracked in two
The love that grew

Was now in pieces


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.