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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Wakeful Night

All night long
I stay awake
Eyes on the screen
I read them all
Posted pieces
They dance around
Some short and long
Rich in content
Varied in structure
From free verse
In feet and meters
Rhythmic heart beats
A fusion of words
In hearts of men

The Walking Man

I am just the walking man
Coming or going
And cannot promise you
Though I can, it’s uncertain
For there are times in the seasons
That I walk, coming to you
And others, away from you

Make your choice
Try your uncertain luck
And then wait or go
You cannot trust the oaths we swore
For to tell that which I am is difficult
Maybe just one walking man or thing
Coming here or going there

A Dark Minds Vista

The darkness of my cell
Keeps me still and quiet
As turmoil surrounds this hell

Laagering protecting my sanity
Has invited invaders into sanctuary
Distorting my self-made reality

Wild aborigine’s fire salvos
Cavorting in the flames of night
Their hellish dancing demands bravos

Not from where I am spectating
But from the vantage point of minions
While my walls begin incinerating

Out of the depths come cold fingers
Methodically pulling away at my gate
As I hear the canto of devilish singers


8:22 a.m.

"Why am i the keeper? Luke, i don't under-"
"Find Allie and Ben and get the heck out of the country. the fate of your lives and the others inside of that file depend on you. don't tell anyone about the file or that you talked to me. also don't try to hand that file off to anyone alright? it's your responsibility. if i find out you handed it off, i'll come find you and kill you."
"luke i still don't -"
"shut your trap and start going."

My val

Am sure you don't know. You just don’t know how much I care, you just don’t know how my head aches when I think of losing you, yet your thought still remains the cure to my aches. You just don’t know my tears, my loss for sleep, loss for taste and muse into holding you in my arms again when u left for school on J6.
Now! You must know u re my right, my choice, my taste, my dream come life, my joy out of tears, my smile and my totality.
You are the love cherished for this day
Love you



And so they came
with torch and flame
to the castle gate
to kill the monster
who lived there

Neither man, nor beast.
Not of Nature yet by nature
a child of God
a creature somewhere
in between

the townsmen dragged him
from his room.
now thinking he was doomed
the creature on his knees
was seen
to pray.

They all then stood
in awe and wonder
like a sudden clap of thunder
a voice was heard:

It’s My Life I Am Living.

Some say I should live
a different kind of way.
Drink and party more
find more time to play.
But I don’t want all that
I will do things my way.
It’s my life I am living
that’s how it will stay.

Others say, strive for better
to be like all the rest.
Have much more ambition
always try to be the best.
That’s not what I want
and isn’t how it will be.
It’s my life I am living
my life belongs to me.

All In My Head

you tore through my memories
and took what you wanted
until you were the only thing left.
you burned a dream on my eyes
and it made too much sense
how my unconscious can be so unkind
and i couldn't sleep because
i couldn't close my eyes
every time i did you were there
stealing memories
branding dreams.
the eyes are windows to the heart
and sometimes the shades get heavy
and start slipping
so i let them slide;
maybe if i faced you in my head
i could get some sleep



the humiliation of living.
The anguish of breathing.
Feeling every solitary second,
desolate inconsolable.

Jealousy and rage eviscerating.
Body racked with pain,
anger seething.
Tolerating existence,
Heart receading.

Check out, Cash in,
vacate this world.
Forsake this planet,
embrace oblivion.

Riddles,,, Master of Confusion

Ridicule me not
though I am the master of confusion
And entangle minds in maze
I am a mighty ocean of bliss
after my queer puzzles clotted like a web
are logically disentangled.

Riddles - that is my given name
Master of mysteries
Teacher of logic
With flattery tongue, so smooth
Like wool of cotton

But I am abrasive too
that is to them who claim wise
try me with all the adjectives
and find me not lacking


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.