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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



There was a time
I do believe you cared.
but in that time
you didn’t care enough.
and when the beast
struck me hard this time
you left me far behind
last in line
of all others.

It’s easy to throw away
useless things
and broken things
but I say
I will dance on many graves
before the day
they lay me in mine

When I Am Old

What strength will you give me,
When I am old and frail,
When I want to do things,
That my body won’t let me,
What strength will you give me?

What warmth will you bestow me,
When I am tired and weak,
When my bones ache with cold,
That won’t leave me,
What warmth will you bestow me?

What kindness will you show me,
When the days are drawing near,
When my memory has failed,
And you don’t understand me,
What kindness will you show me?

The laying of landmines

An overflow
No, a waterfall
Freefall tumbling, luscious abandon
& a smile, deep inside
Belatedly the sting & slice is registered in mild & growing confusion
A snag, deliberate & wanton, placed just so
I wonder why, as I will the joy to contain & dispell the disappointment mingled
An uninvited intrusion in the pleasure of the floating in the collection pool of contemplation.

Lust or Love

I wonder how I feel for you so others I do ask, I ask if this is lust or love this feeling I can't grasp. I feel as if this may be love but that I do not know. The feelings that I have for you I hope they never go. I wonder if we'll stay together for all the years to pass, I know we both have feelings for each other yet I do hear myself ask. Is this feeling lust or love and will this feeling last?

p a t h o s l o g i c a l

your ghost weaves
birds of hope
upon my shipwreck

Dire was your plan
to thwart love
that rose with
light breeze
these gusts
leaven us
towards the dawn

chains of promise
drew you down
forgotten wing bound
creature lust

and vanity a trust
we need in vaults

if only I could
capture you
for you would see
the greatness
how I so complete

Second Anniversary

Two years
Two hearts


"Pigs don't have karma." she said
while they were waiting for the light to turn from pink to red.
"They're just pigs."
He placed his hand on her thigh
in his usual way,
The universe was well-constructed
that particular day,
better than most she thought,

After three consecutive lifetimes, the mother ship would land
near the Mojave.
It was time for the creators to return.

I Hate the Eyes Behind Clowns

I hate| the eyes |behind |clowns
trust not the smile on their face
I can see deceit thereof
feel dishonesty hidden

some kids fear faces of clowns
cry out in fright at their sight
remember his appearance
white painted scary features

I liked clowns when I was young
but soon learned why kids fear
she took away my kids joy
in a library on summer

a day of fun summer break
balloons made like animals
excited them immensely
as they waited overlooked


Should you see me standing still
eyes unfocused, far away
I'm visiting some wooded hill
where I walked one bygone day.

Or sitting looking at the sky
attention lost amongst the blue
perhaps emmiting a slight sigh.
I'm not really next to you.

The real me only visits here
stopping off from time to time
to check on those whom I hold dear
or dash off some short clumsy rhyme.

To whom it may concern

It seems like everything I do goes unnoticed
Work my fingers to the bone and nobody knows it

I'm not asking for thank you cards and roses
but if my work ethic shifted from where it is to far below it
just think where you would be and then verbally show it

But there's no chance for that, you're too self absorbed to see my focus
I see that you'll probably frown when you know why I wrote this
Consider this my two week notice.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.