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Howling in 2012

HOWLING in 2012

(dedicated to Allen Ginsberg's Howl)

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by money, striving,

hysterically faked dragging themselves through fascist streets to

pawn their soul for the elusive buck

angelheaded hipsters losing the ancient heavenly connection

to the starry dynamo for the the machinery

of might.

Whose poverty and tatters are deep inside

Vats and cups smoking in sterile fluorescent whiteness

and jacuzzied condos beathing frost as they chop empathy

Saving Innocence

I am thinking of a rosebud that is high up on a shelf;
That is infixed, seeming guarded, by the thorned bush in the vase,
It is very newly budding on a stalk all by itself,
And amongst its full-bloomed siblings, verily looks out of place.

I am looking at a lily, young and new and on the water,
Leaves out-spread and basking cleanly in the early morning sun.
In the brakish underwater, two large eyes swim quickly after.
For that lily, sparkling silly, must the toad defile for fun.


I’m going to
ditto you,
why you know,
as your critiques do glow
upon warm hearths of hearts
some brightness does blow
into kaleidoscopic rainbows

Oh! what the hell does Loved spell,
a link between those who know
with those who don't
well who are those?
a few Neo's think alike
they strike
as all are poetic legends
may be of tomorrows


immersed in rich and bright illusion’s flow
here where we share a dizzy dreaming sea
within the now’s enfoldment’s gentle glow
before the birth of what’s about to be
as yesterday, today and, too, tomorrow
all breathe together forming temporal tides
and create, thus, a path for us to follow
the damaged centre’s closest friend abides

To fear is to love.

I love you more than I can take,
it scares me more than anything.
Love is the scariest adventure
but its one I've dreamed to make.

When you leave, will it be worth it?
The fall in all.
When you return, will it be okay?
In your arms again for a few days.
Fearing the fall, because you leave.
Fearing it all, due to risks I've yet to take.

Metrophobia & Triskaidekaphobia added (Acrostics)

Metro What ???

Muses that torture my brain
Epics that test my endurance
Themes that trouble my memory
Rhyme that makes me sing
Oration changed into verse
Poetic nightmares stream
Haiku’s that sing of winter
Overriding fear of form
Books of useless words
Incomplete sentences
Alarm at talking in riddles

Triska Who ???? Triskaidekaphobia

Pray Tell Parishioner

1- wanna know sumpin'

2-what's that

1-I don't know nothin'

2-sayin' you don't know nothin'
is kinda knowin' sumpin' ain't it

1- guess so, but the point is,
are you sure we ain't just been guessin' at stuff all this time
'cause I been told guessin' ain't quite the same as knowin'

2- pray tell, what are you sayin'

1- I ain't sure certain 'bout nothin' no more

2- well... I won't tell nobody if you don't


I’m sinking down
into myself
crashing into dark
and I wallow
in my own salvation
I am not pain. Not decay.
Not loss
I am more than my dying
and at each turning
there unfolds something



bump say you

this night thorn burning
a fever rich
beneath the itch

how I want to tear it up
when the mercury climbs
the glass
and the buzz of insects in
the grass

slip and slide this turbid tide

jacked up on the brew
and the memory of the few
we aint gone looking
for what we threw to the
other side

no no

and this bone moon come
up to throw a callow light
no sleep be coming
on this forlorn night


I stroke the paddle one more time
today the water's calm and clear
so it carries me a little way
as if suspended in mid-air
above a world of moss and fin

With each smooth and careful stroke
I get nearer to that other shore
which began as a mere hazy dream
oh, so many years before
when this day was unthought of
and tomorrow seemed for ever


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