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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


I am pregnant...(Updated)

I am pregnant
...The sperm
that fertilized my egg
was of the world's pains, woes and ills.
Now the embryo grows bigger everyday,
and here I am,
after a few years
unable to deliver
... this womb
shall explode one day


as I wander
through both information and deception
am I simply curious
or will I seek until it hurts
enough to reconstruct my understanding

and when I realize
it lives far beyond the human mind
will I allow it to transpose an alien reality
that reveals aspects of me that are disturbing
or humbling
or amazing

or will I turn away
in denial

just how much do I love truth?


From the answers I got from you
What is the price I have to pay?
If I may ask a hand in love
So cherished and badly desired
Tell me, have I waited in vain
That you would never come to me
You are the unwilling Africa
Towering like a mountain, high
Hesitating, while the time ticks
Missing progress and prosperity



down corridors narrow
stained death’s yellow
blinding headlights speeding
above white masks glare
into forgetful sleep I plummet
into the womb waiting

3 in 1 icecream

Three in one
I liked the poem of yours
All about your dream
shouting at each other
the balloons burst
the thunder thrust..
my what a curse
then suddenly the circus guy came
on a flat tube cycle
as it won't push...
he had to run along side
with it
then the two yelled in
mother and daughter ...
both were enjoying the same dream
suddenly both combinedly did scream
laughed their guts out,..
how was it possible..


The Contortionist

The talking monkey hurls a bone
into the past
in the present, the matrix is shattered

humanity is bereft of logic, love
and compassion when the Star of David
falls into the money pit,
the cesspool of an ancient lineage,
tracing one's ancestors back to the
time that should have been forgotten
had it not been for the vengeance
and the wrath of old Gods worshiped
like those who would be President.

Another day falls into history. Another
bone is hurled through this page in
the infancy of human kind.

My Friend Flicker

A spark igites
and the rest is history.

That lone, single spark
is responsible for it, all!

The laughter, tears, and anger,
depression, giddiness, and regret;

all were each but, a single live-wire.
Once lit, ther is no turning back!

However, it's the moment that decides
which avenue shall encompass

where the fire shall burn,
and exactly who should be holding the flame!

Marionette Accountz

slit thin wafer view
the notch knife tales

delusions entrance
the glare of the lamps
the subtle art of life
in sinew hinge

makes heart twinge
the small reticent
play of a band

these deft wing strings
employ the trick
in a mesmerized
caught up in the

of the drama plot

that hearts belay

Writer’s Block

There’s a cloud in my head
Threatening to sabotage my youth
The free flow of wisdom
Succumbing itself to silence

An eternity of deliverance
Gone out of nowhere
A place of prejudice
Where sanity lives abundantly

There are others who suffer
The same state of numbness
A hollowed inside
With nothing in between

What’s the sense in telling?

Have I gone mad…thinking?

No! Nothing…

…and the cursor keeps on blinking…

Help! Police!...

The sluggish air of a steamy night
Muffles the stealthy sounds
Furtive movement held back from sight
Whilst I made my rounds

My hearing rang with nervousness
Heart pounding with adrenaline
My brain was trying to assess
What could all this really mean?

My eyes beheld an awful sight
Did I really see?
My skin crawled and I took fright
He was on bended knee

Pools of blood and flashing blade
Made my stomach churn
From unholy meat, thin steaks were made
But, from the sight, I couldn't turn


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.