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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The Cycle

I'm on my knees

Begging anyone please

But no one seems to see the storm

Beaneath the sea's calm facade

The twisted mishappen shapes

Dwelling below...

At the core

I'm afraid they will be freed

Unable to go ignored

I feel them seeking revenge

Hunting for fresh untried food

Prey and game

I want to warn others

Tell them to run away

Be wary of me

See me coming?


But I need their help....

Now where does that leave me?

poetry of flowers

poetry of flowers

you are superb I’m still on the first step
of the ladder ....
who will hold my hand
pull me up
but you!

lovely flowery poetry
all about roses and daffodils,
lotus, jasmine and what have you…
yeah lily’s for mummy too

the smiling pansies
the purple hue
are some flowers we all love

such is it the way of nature to please
ah poetry of flowers
or is?

Ash on the Wings of Autumn

Beginning on October 19th, 1914, one of the bloodiest battles of World War One was fought near Ypres in Belgium. This poem, while written from a young German soldier’s point of view, is a tribute to all those who lost their lives during that terrible forty days.

Crisp the autumn breeze that combs this foggy air,
Slowly creeping through these Belgian fields;
A bitter breath of coming winter, we taste the morning dew
Whose frosty edge foretells harsh winter’s yields.


coming and going
time over time
be it cooled or warm
i like all seasons

ain't it fun
how they come and go
bringing new life every time they come around
making new changes
time over time

i like all seasons
be it windy or sunny
sometimes i long for other one's to come
time over time
i know they will come around again...

*J I L T E D*

the bulb burns dull and bored
lacquer and Formica
faded mirror and ghosts

clouds etched beyond the
broken trellis tops
the stale taste of a soda pop

Taste the spicey sweat of
Mid October
fringe collar deeds

the thick plate glass
jewelled with humidity
runs bleed

Our cornucopia
I call
the dark reciever wish

press earnest mouths
down static wells
through copper labryinth city hell

you say



Tizzy was told her parent died early on
Lonely though, she lived with her granny
On whose birthday, an uncle stopped over
Their dotted paths had crossed in time past

His largesse to the niece met a yearning need
Of care cloaked in sugar daddy’s garment
This did not go well with the aged woman
With avowed secrets locked in her heart

He strangled the ‘aunty’ to have his way
Overwhelmed by car gift and overseas trips
Her campus boyfriend suffered in sorrow
With barefaced lies, she dribbled him through

Thoughts of You

Frequent visitor to my thoughts are you.
Joyful respite from the mundane.
Sometimes conjured up and not.
But the greatest fun of all,
those out of nowhere thoughts of you.
They play their endless game of hide and seek.
Conceal themselves behind the pages of a book,
between the lines of some report.
Even found peeking out from behind the cloud of
some decision being made.
When tripped across they linger not long enough
for contemplations touch, before they're off again.

The Irony of Death

I am immortal in life.
I see all, live in tears
Thrive in fears.
I touch everything and everyone,
I am what you will become.
I follow your steps,
I wait in your home.
I am all.
I am nothing.
I will never die.
I am the shadow of your life.
I am forever.

nature does.....

nature does nurture

we all are a part of mother nature
which all along our lives
does us nurture

...P E R S U A D E R E ...

enchantments drip
like kisses
down the springdrenched
long ago

upturned as a sigh
the miles of spendthrift

billowing with her yarns
and tales streaming
caught on the moons
sharp blade

cutting heart

sotto terse sonnets
the turned hip
glean of stars
like glitter dust
cool and arid

we are a thousand
from touch

we are a voice
to heavens


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.