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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Her laugh is soft, it flutters
As butterfly wings in spring.
Her dark eyes wide, they sparkle
As the purest diamond ring.

She is the sweetest angel
That any man could know;
Yet deep within her ageless soul
Dark vices wrought men woe.

She loves to woo and taunt them,
To lead them on with guile,
To bring them pain and misery
Bestowed with lasvicious smile.

Her pleasure is to lure them
Bind them helpless then,
As victim snared in spider's web
Inflict pleasure close to pain.

Sweet Visitation

Do you come again!
Sweet visitation,
Do you come again!

Do you swell my heart
And lift my mind,
Do you come again?

Often have I waited,
And in the waiting
I was always low.

But now the hot tear
Rolls from my eye,
kisses down my cheek.

How I am overjoyed!
Simply you are here!


Rising from the abyss raven blackness
Mist caressing following the undead.
blood thirsty for bags of dark blood.
and to feast the fist shaped life pump.

down essence of once human existence.
succulent juice Falling from the chin and

Soaked wet lips. Drinking sucking from
a scarlet stream digging in two pointed
Canines clamping on the jugular vein.

Dripping sinking pointed ruby fangs, a deep
hue like Burgundy Wine. The Hemoglobin
vital treasure a life giving red river.

Written/updated since last year
unlike any other
when out of this world
outlandish accouterments
people did wear
hermetically sealed
of even faintest tear
to avoid contamination
against coronavirus pandemic
air supply difficult to spare
when wing and prayer
soul saving amazing grace
frankly against scalpers, marauders,
and fraudsters steeling
themselves to profiteer.


Bathe these dreams in argent moonlight
Illuminate all the forgotten corners of my psyche with a silver glow
That I may find a way back to an illusive somewhere
A spiritual home that has never existed

A constantly stirring nostalgia for places I’ve never seen
A deep powerful longing for something more, some underlying truth
Incessantly pulls me in one thousand directions
Splinters me into infinite fractals
I exist in every space
In every time
I am a multitude


Named after a flower
So bright and so sweet
With chocolate brown eyes
She was hard to beat

A German Shepherd
I've had all my days
She and my brother, oh
They were together always

She was sweet and gentle
Wouldn't hurt a fly
She loved all fiercely
Makes you wonder why

She had to die that way
After all those years
In a vet in a small town
In a room soaked with tears

She was not in pain
She was only sleeping
But as it all ended
I prayed I was dreaming

Wandering eyes

Wistful wandering eyes
scattering across
the cool colorless
cloud filled skies.
digging through
its shallow
shades of white
in search
for some subtle
sight of light .


I must see you,
And feel your touch,
Taste you,
I need to smell you,

Embrace me
Consume me,
I crave you,
In my flesh and bones,
I need to know you.

Crush my mind,
Burn my heart,
Drown my soul,
Mold me,
Into you.


During these minutes before dawn
along this trail i walk upon
rugged woods far from the fen
I seek refuge once again.
Into the forest I am drawn.

The world of men has gone insane
news of naught but war and pain
and the hatred all of this has borne
leaves hopes of peace of mind forlorn
so toward a refuge I now strain.

God’s Jewels

Some ancient astronomers looked at the heavens
And saw mystical creatures.
I look at the heavens and see God’s handiwork.
Stars sparkling against the black velvet of the sky
Like laughter sparkling in the eyes of a child.
Strewn beyond human vision,
Galaxies woven of starlight and miracle fill my heart.
When I see the stars shining there in silent majesty
Against the vastness of space,
I realize how very small I am in the scheme of things.
And yet, He loves me!
His love for me outshines the brightest of stars.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.