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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



i hold the hand of sadness in my right-
heart ventricle and her touch is frigid,
but familiar.

seeing the eyes of old class foes-
my left heart sagging,
to cower in a strangers conversation.
and I feel the sadness all the same.

when fish swim through frozen lakes-
And the man lends me a smile,
My blood curdles like milk,
and the sadness tastes the same.

when the house closes it’s mouth-
and shoes grow smaller.
My teeth crawl on carpet,
and pick up sadness from the muck.


life in a city is kaleidoscopic, mesmerizing' sometimes a mixture or rich and poor
so many clothes colors in summer spring and fall and especially, womens hair color
cars screeching teenagers wheelies on motorcycles. most things too fast dizzying array
people hide in side streets talking and flock to city parks have interesting conversations with friends
and feel natures its tragic some big cities don have much parks some people get up early
and have a more peacefull time listening to birds allthough some cities dont have enough birds

The Unfriendly Ghost

Clink! Clank! Clink!
The chains around his waist
Dragging across the attic floor
Heavy footsteps descending
To the house below

I see him in the mirrors
Superimposed in my own reflection
A bloody grin loathing my existence
I hear the chains coming for me
Clink! Clank! Clink!

Every link wrapped around my neck
A memory that he'd like to forget
The only way to set himself free
Is by killing me
Clink! Clank! Clink!

Wisdom etched in life

We should be wise and
I have come to know birds in all their flights
are wise and more travelled
than cheetahs and planes. Yes,
they have wings. They chose to fly
than we that chat away our orgasms
in a tit-for-tat razzmatazz social media.

Protest Song

Let’s rest over here, away from the politicians
We’ll sit in the soil, away from the grifters and reavers,
where we can cleanse ourselves in the dust and the dirt,
cleaner by far than the back doors of power

October in Wisconsin

When I ponder on October I think of certain hues,
Yellow, reds, and oranges, and even greens and blues.

What contrasts lie in forests, with its larger slew of trees,
When we take the time to wonder, our senses they may please.

But when we know that many will soon appear dry bones,
It seems a sad intrusion,which causes greatest moans.

Yet, we know our Maker, when flowers do appear,
He brings us spring and summer at another time of year.


Whose multi chambered heart
Longing, brings forth new spring
Reaching senselessly to her light
From the cold and reckless earth

Whose understanding omnipotent
fears not the dark foreboding
She drinks in it’s black liquor
Transmutes poison to antidote

Whose touch, once delivered
Kindles billions of tiny fires
The blistering sun and the cover of shelter
Life giving rain and tides under moon

Whose love is boundless
Timeless and pure
Surrounds and pervades
When I walk through the door

Nature of things

Silence, the trouble around the flower.
In my ears.


Bees calmly collect,


When I close my eyes, shut my eyelids,
listen to the silence.

Collect my thoughts.

Tearful roses

Tearful roses
The ruined houses with
The bitter scents, mourn
From their ruined red roofs
I cross the Sun reaches the Sacred source
I'm piercing the horizon
With the star of light
in the blue air,
the room of Heaven looks like
your untouched sunny body
Angels in white garments are awake
Purple butterflies you are traveling
Twenty roses of your youth
tear you to your touch
silently fall into your hair on
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your family when your younger but especially in your twenties and people in high school
can do a real number on your self image even more so especially what your father
especially if your a boy can make you feel less worth and your mother
tey make you feel like a chameleon or like a fox or allways make sure your friends have a postive
image of your mind body and soul be carefull who you identify with in hollywood


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