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too close to ignore, too distant to love.

loneliness seems twice its mass
in empty office space late at night
when everyone else has vacated,
and time seems more elastic
a metaphysical ballerina following me around
in the mirrored hall of a furniture store.

romance for us is lukewarm tap-water
dripping in-between dainty cracks
of human personal relationships,
pooling in sunless places hard to reach.

both our lives often lived in shared spaces
where a million stranger bodies crammed rectangular,
an entire cosmos between our molecules exists.

Hands Interlocked

Look above
And you will see
Stars gazing back
Behind bare trees
Grey stumps will regrow
As bark strapped
Bear lovers' names
Gnarled roots
Interlock hands
As savory pine scents
Waft through the air
And leathery leaves
Covered with moss
Bare chirping families

Killer's Halloween Party 2022..

The twilight sky is purple
sprinkled with silver glitter
Frost painted on the pumpkins
Autumn straining to be winter

But the clan is ready to party
Friends and family coming in
Killer's Halloween fiesta
is just about to begin

Rosewood, RoseBlack and Thornless
all the Roses are in bloom
the scent of barbecue is awesome
band set up in the other room

Covered dishes brought by some
are set up on the table
The children that are hungry
grabbing what they're able

Realizations in the Darkness

My tears became so numerous
They sat like stars in the northern sky
Suspended in the moonless black oblivion of depression
It was there I sat, wearing my cloak of despair
Pondering all things great and small
Under their dim but twinkling light
When realizations became manifest and
The fires of self love were rekindled


Nostalgia over powers me
I have grand daughters one past those long gone teens
but never the light of that kind of teen seen

another has just swum across the channel of time I
wonder why we were those ancient beings
as compared to the current times

They marvel me though mostly san ...
but still the growing teen
even though time has cracked my mirrors
exotic many times
but still nearing the estuary of oceanic time

Under depression

Autumn falls,

my thought

October leaves .

Please find more on my Instagram account


we live with light can't live without it and shades of color shades of color fall leaves
color full coats in the winter obviously less color i the late fall and winter but there's brilliant sunlight off snowflakes Halloween thanksgiving bright colored pies and ice cream at thanksgiving the parade Christmas lights saves us hard to live without it on a winter night and anytime the light in our lovers or wife's eyes babies and children's eyes the light in our dreams the light of t.v.

Tales Of Ancient Greece : Ties That Bind

In the lonely dunes of Lemnos,
Walked a Spartan warrior,
Sweat and blood upon his brow,
A thousand restless souls his torment,

Then in the distance,
To a sacred tree,
Was a beauty bound,
In copper chains,

"Who has done this to you oh lovely maiden?" He asked,
"Release me from my bindings and I shall grant you any wish,"
The love struck Spartan obeyed,
Then quickly said,
"I wish to be with you always",

My Own

I am me. I will continue to be me until I eventually am not. I can change how I look, who I talk to, what I show to others. All the while, though maybe buried deep down, I am still me. Possibly not to some people, but always with myself. Striving to gain a better understanding of not just the world around me but most importantly, of myself. My traumas, my mistakes, my impediments, my mannerisms, my talents, my hopes and dreams, my accomplishments – big and small alike. Become my identity. My own person.


We often say "oui"
When we know no
is more apropos.


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