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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Ocean waves

Sandy beaches
I wish to sit sit on
Calm my nerves and meditate
The ocean communicates with me
The birds in the sky glide with the wind

I close my eyes and breathe
The wind waft through my hair
Feels like I'm floating
The birds and I rise in floating symphony

This sense of calmness
Is nourishing to the soul
The ocean wave rise and fall
Talking tide
It rises and falls
The calm sea is never dull
The moon is reflecting light

The Kiss

Your eyes lock and
some random spark
surges up and down and
inside your body.
You wonder about it,
dream about it,
imagine it until
you close your eyes
and actually feel its
And then an impatient spontaneous moment
erupts, and you both can't take it any longer -
you need it so much, you gotta just do it.
You lean in and your lips touch,
hot and full exploring hot and full,
and that kiss grabs you as
you dissolve into it.
Your brain rushes, becomes fuzzy,


Autumn leaves
but gradually
when you are depressed
think of the bare tree
deserted by every leaf
till winter comes and goes
it then only mercilessly snows

let it be so
you just participate
another fresher golden leaf
as spring
springs in

O lalalalaaala


When bone and blood in casket rot,
Your lover's corpse you never thought,
Would come to you in moonless night,
And beg of you in lonely plight,

To join them in the dreadful ground,
With vows to them your soul is bound,
So as you climb into the grave,
A quiet place in darkness saved,

One last glimpse of the world above,
As you embrace your eternal love,
For life and death are neither sought,
While bone and blood in casket rot.

School Days

Oh, to be a child again at play
On the yard outside the gate.
Running freely every day,
For recess, I could not wait.

The time to gallop under the sun,
WIth all my power,
I did leap and run,
For the entire recess hour.

Childhood days in my mind remain,
When on the playground, I did reign.

Blushing Oak

Autumn’s breath unto his neck
Did tantalize the ancient oak
Whose heart was stilled beneath her air
Although his leaves began to blush

Motional Impact


I saw the clouds moving across the sky
But maybe it was the earth slowly turning
I felt no motion, but I am merely one soul
A tiny speck on the surface of this world
Like others before me from the beginning
Until one day when the poles may flip
Or the sun expands to swallow this place
Even then, still with a sense of movement
As nothing ever will be standing still
Yet I am moved

A story still not written

The best story I never wrote
Could exclusively be written
When I put down the remote
By your divine beauty smitten.

But that I never could do
As god is my true witness.
The final match on channel two
Left me completely witless.

So the perfect words could not
On clear white paper be layed.
Shortly the bill was brought
With the price I dearly payed.

Your beauty I could not see
For I wasn’t even looking,
Now damned I roam the great sea
And my kingdom has no king.


I've felt the potential energy of Solitude,
My thoughts grow higher in deep meditation,
Exploring all boundaries of my dear heart,
The ability to cogitate needs a solemn silence.

Truly, in solitude, the mind sits in wisdom,
Exploring creative ideas, lurking around the sky,
The human mind is the source of knowledge,
Whenever it is infused, there's a sudden light.

Deserted streets

Walking along the pathway
Silence is all you hear
Tumbleweed carried by the wind
It's as if rapture occurred

Scorching sunshine
Parched lips and dry throat
What you get as a reward
Is dust-filled ear drums

As the journey draws further
All your hope bent on finding water
Energy drained away
All you could do is pray

Sanity reversed with insanity
Starting conversations with tumbleweeds
The sky wonders if you're okay
Hunger wiped your senses


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.