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I fell apart but I survived

Does it hurt?
Knowing how you broke me,
How you sent my world crumbling down,
Seeing a strong, confident girl turn into a broken mess.

How do you sleep at night?
Knowing you crushed someone who loves you,
Even after you gave me a million reasons not to,
Knowing that every time you ignore me,
A piece of my heart is chipped away.


All lights will blow off
unless you read others

don't expect to be read only
world has poets many ignored

be not that outstanding pole
in a desert no one knows
was it just a mirage
heaven knows.....

Weekly Neopoet Contest Poem Autumn People

Ragged and raw wind of gossip
pulsing around her trembling frame.
Her words swim
in the polluted waters,
that had once been
the moat encircling her domain.
Hungry reptiles in her courtyard
green scaly-faced monsters
on the slippery incline,
Of the treachery of their desire.
Arriving in droves,
gathering at the foot hills of her mountain.
Watching... for a sign.
Hungrily awaiting her downfall,
her collapse and decline
Would feed their quickening blood.


most thoughts don't mean too much they concern like and dislike and our relations
with simple things coffee cigarette's music television.
there is a unifying spirit and dimension .
most fish in the ocean feel this; they usually have good thoughts bad thoughts
disappear rapidly like rocks thrown into the ocean. the question is why we have bad thoughts it's like ants think and feel on a burnt crust thoughts that are too positive
usually harmonize like ants on cooler cherries in the pie like rotten peaches
or a sunburn


Tasteful to belong, to sift through foam
watching the residue weave through winds
blown from crusted lips
drifting from eyelashes to sewage
convalescent and bedridden

Breathing you in
And forgetting where we were meant to be
For why is it we become such ploys to one another?
only to release my grip once my vision settles

Fallen Leaves

I am the fallen leaves
From a tree that's lived too long
Wilting branches
Broken at the seams

My tears are that
Of the willow
Weeping, grieving
For this life I had

I've been dead inside
Longer than alive


Mid October a cool day
with a northern cooling breeze.
All hints of summer gone away.
The few green leaves are just a tease.

Tomorrow will bring the first frost
so this day finds me 'neath the trees
absorbing warmth before its lost
and limbering up titanium knees.

For I'm not what I once was.
Time has seen that I am not,
So I sit on a stump to take a pause
and breathe autumn's scent which I'd forgot.

Bonded to win

Until the age of three
Couldn't walk
Little me asked God
Along with my twin
To grant the request
We hold so dearly

Year after year
This feet of mine
Began the first step
To a long journey
A long awaited wish
And to mummy it left me running

Juvenile Detention

I know you don’t know what you’re doing.
I know you don’t know how to heal.
But the way that you hit me
and the way that you hurt me
left me with nothing to feel.

You said you loved me, and left me
alone in this upside-down world.
Your eyes looking down
and your lips turn to frown
and your hands tightly fisted and curled.

“I do this because I love you”
“You have a lesson to learn.”
My skin turns to ice
and I run for my life
'til my body is ready to burn.

I long for less longing

Oh you, my darling, are my heart's desire
But love is fleeting and it might not last
My angel and my devil will conspire
My will is fragile as if made of glass

I wish I could say that it's all your fault
Your beauty and your smile, they make me cave
I'll lock away my fears inside a vault
Though tempted, I won't take this to my grave


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.