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O Autumn leaf

Be not alone
all are lonely

somewhere in the vastness
of eternity
one calls out instantly....

still we say wait
time hasn't come yet
then loneliness

unknown come
in one’s dreams
wow screams
where have you been
you say

'one now asking
an autumn leaf!'

invisible one
smiles alongside
now 'tis autumn
there is no surprise
hope you too will be
some day
flying about
side beside

Verse Or Worse


Apologies, but I really must enquire
Is it raw emotion that drives all words
Assuming it is no automated response
And of course not taking me for a nonce
With selections between so many fonts
In some pretty rhyming verse to esconce
But which are whey, and which are curds
When to deeper meaning one may aspire

on this river

with or without 
he’s been given a taste of both 
and wonders next time if he could skip the ending 
or if there’d be no ending at all 
I wasn't there 
but i watched every second 
and felt the pain, just the same
 as if he’d plunged the knife down my throat 
with or without 
he’s more familiar with the latter 
but that smile…
that smile and the way he held his drink 
with the confidence it would never empty 

Fading with you

Back before
our first words
were spoken .
We’re all born
to be bashed
and broken.
Always left with
scars to mend .
As we dismally
dwindle down
towards the end .
Seeping through
each passing day
searching for a
fading friend
to stay .
While our lives
bashfully blow
away .

If only I had met you...

If only I had met you...
ere a flickering candle threatening!
my life would have been worth the salt all are tasting
just imagine this olllllllleleee soul facing flattering
one day
some day
if not yet today ........

folks like you shall come to read
again and again

''Pay no heed to anyone ole man
you have performed
still at eighty -3 you are'''

thanks for the pat you give
may I bow to Neo
for letting us friends be

Crossing paths

I could see the center of her agony
Inside her book with her glossary
Stated clear and seen bright
Capture all the meaning in her light
Shine like no other dreamy state
Mind awaiting rest in a neutral haste
Her temple remains high in spirit
Resemble the sky with her poem lyrics
Vibrant as the story of her past
Likeness of the Glory in our Lord, Dad
The soul unites while the childhood is sad
Nights followed by a set of stars
Quite the romance for a long lost heart

Black ink

Time, a continuum of broken hearts.
I'd like to see,

thou I shall not see the light.
Every time I ask myself if I would be someone,

a difference.
I know then that sharp,

act won’t be my answer.
I just go back

Back and back

i wonder.

sun drags itself past pieces of broken ceramic clouds
hovering above the blanket of thick feverish wet air at sea level
as though a drop of melted butter slid off the platter
and into the great blue tablecloth leaving a stain.
the worst has passed, but the foul-smelling streets
are still partially flooded in many places
yet to completely dry.
there are patches of floating green algae beginning to clump
into masses resembling tiny islands seen from space,
while some bigger ones are reminiscent of river deltas

Autumn's golden leaves miss me

Autumn golden leaves miss me
every time I chilled
in November.....
time's old age said ----
turn over...

came to a place
fairly warmer
you enjoy your golden
autumn leaves
turn over

knock knock
friends are
now over
feel warmer
dinner or whatever....

the ego and reality

dont let an overpowering ego weaken' or change who you are
pollute or' dawn damage your spirit. there are too many spaces between pertinent things in reality
lucid;acceptance clarity. dark brownland is gray or cloudy sometimes foggy
remember your inteligent handsome or beautifull
we cant live without points of light or masses or color
allways be positive people or religion or whateverand green
wolves in the fall winter love the sunshine on snow and white fur


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