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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Time to Catch Up

Start the car and take a drive
It’s really not so far
Meet me for lengthy chat
Down at the coffee bar

The drink, divine, as is the food
A treat for you and me
Take pleasure in the little things
Like simple company

A minute be an hour when
Your eyes can’t find a clock
Worldly cares seem lighter still
Engaged in heartfelt talk

Next time, let me buy the drinks
You can pick the place
We can waste the morning with
Another face to face

Might as Well Be You

I want to make it big
I want to be the best
I want to wind up on top
I need to pass the test

But it's tough to get people to notice
It's so hard to get exposure
When someone else gets the prize you earned
It's difficult to find any closure

It's hard when you are overlooked
But this is my advice to you
Be so loud they can't see past your light
Make some noise and do what you gotta do


Last night I was walking
in the middle of the darkest night
in search of what is hidden
beyond the veil of time

Any guess is welcome
can one ever see
what lies in the shadows of time
yet unborn .

Is it possible to visualize
what at the end of eternity lies

I many times tried walking in the darkness
my feet dried
I could not move an inch

Think Of Me When The Nightbirds Cry

life goodbye's blender
chased me out on an open highway
sacrificing the moon..for neon light
somewhere music and alcohol play

planets were aligning..this cold eve
she the nightclub's door
shadows wrapped in her raven hair
voice asking...why I am running for

her makeup..worn like a dark spirit
she was my dealer...mistress of fate
leading me..toward unknown lands
far from all light through time's gate


I've reaped the treasure of silence
into prominence of creative flame
poetry is an erection of thoughts
stirred behind the wheel of the mind

I'm a solitary poet of African nation
I'm like a swinging of a pendulum
thoughts in me vibrates to - and- fro
that's why am delivering it to you all

in silence I lay with great solemnity
that's why I'm thoughtfully crafted
with revelations of poetic language
heralding to the ears of all people

Deep Hibernation

Come December
one week is over

my pop was born
over a century
in early
my nephew
was born in this very month
come mid December

I got my first job
also as then

waiting for Xmas now
then comes the end
of another wonderful year..


ephemeral victory inform my desire
frayed ends in my fists
a tattered flag on my spire
remind me the moment is never enough
anger's on brand but anger is rough
take more than you toil
sit more than you lift
gratitude is grief but revenge is a gift
forever repay them the injury due
forgive them the trespass forgiven for you
there's gold in the bones of wise man's mistakes
there's acceptance and struggle
and mountains with lakes
so with gold will I pave
the road to my grave

Dear Santa (Weekly Contest)

I don't know if you have the time
to make stops in the hereafter,
but if you do, please
give our love to our mother

We all know you're magical;
chimneys, flying reindeer
and all of that,
so anything seems possible

You don't have to wrap it
or put a bow on it
or anything like that,
she already knows what it is

Steven, Michael,
Jeffery, & David Too


Where e’er I look I see my love
In oceans wild or skies of blue,
I see her in the stars that shine
And in the gentle morning dew.

I hear her in the mornings breeze or tempests wild that topple trees,
I watch their branches twist and sway and see her dance...
and dance...
and dance....with limbs that seem to ebb and flow like breakers crashing on the shore.
Her fingers crook and beckon me, and I am lost,
and I am lost.

It's All About December ( December Weekly Contest)

Has old December entered yet,
dig into earth, when hibernate;
where the used-to-be nestling-birds
are flocking 'way for warmer worlds.

Has old December entered yet,
dig into the earth, when hibernate;
furry mammals, those walk on four,
are napping days, with no real chore.

Has old December entered yet,
dig into the earth, when hibernate;
where once warmed up and happy trees
now bid a colder, farewell leaves.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.