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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Theories from the Micro-Verse

The scientist, one of a team tending to the Large Collider,
a member of a profession not known for poetry,
takes pages and pages of notes from the latest experiments
studying the accelerated particles of neutrons and protons.
Trying to understand the secrets of the smallest parts
of the natural world, and how they might behave in the air around us.


I’ve lost my heart to Coralie,
but please don’t ever question me
till you have seen her on the stage
play goddess of the golden age!
She's sleek like Greek, although she's French,
and wily as a wayward wench!
She stole my heart with just one glance,
that femme fatale from Paris, France.
So please don’t ever be surprised
by mademoiselle who mesmerised,
enchanting me down faery dell,
bewitching me with siren’s spell.
I love my curvy Coralie!
So please don’t ever question me

Last dance!

Last chance to dance
thru leaves of gold
and brilliant red
your lifes' light now is waning
the end lies up ahead
the moon casts down
thru balmy skies
her jaded silhouette
and though you feel forsaken
your time has been well spent
your fear of endings pass you by
as lightly now you tread
a moment of ambiguity
reveals your true intent
you'll softly sleep in peace tonight
you've passed another test!
to each their own remembering,
the desire to recompence!

The Widow

Legs like an ivy vine
Wrapped around his waist
Another conquest
Taken without haste

Is this number five or six
Maybe nine or ten
She's not counting
Only bloodlusting for the fix

They flash their money
Buy her drinks aplenty
Violet eyes that paralyze
A voice that drips like honey

Entangled in a web of lies
All thinking they caught the prize
It's all fun and games
Until someone dies

A body left
Every dime is spent
The cycle spins
Until she strikes again

Painful awakening

Slowly opening up my eyes
To creeping pain that won't disguise
Silent moans hide behind a smile
In a crafty kind of style

Yet telling lines map the face
To show the angst of that lonely place
Distinct scars that tell a story
Of awful times in all their glory

Stretching out my creaking bones
To limit all my moans and groans
Gritted teeth and sucked in breath
And the faithless mind thinks of death

The Calling.

Do you hear the scratching tapping?
That keeps you awake
when you are napping?
Do you hear the rain?
The wind howling,
it calls my name
from far away
to carry me out to sea.
Do you hear it?
Can you switch it off?
Then you are lucky!
For I can not
When I was younger
just a child
naive innocent mannered mild.
I could fly
Way up high
Above the buildings in the sky!
When I flew I saw many things
Of people past and what future brings.

The Opaque Girl

Her eyes speak a million words,
she, however, talks with her mouth.
Lies are her specialty.

She spits poison on us,
metamorphizing between a butterfly, a koala, and a lion.
Her claws run sharp,
in preparation for battle, she says.
It foolish of her to not see,
I am not dense

Scratches appear on her body
hiding in plain sight.
I see it, I always will.

Finally Free

I'm lost in this abyss, with no light to see,
My heart racing with fear, wondering where I'll be.

The darkness surrounds me, like a suffocating cloak,
With no way to escape, it feels like a cruel joke.

But then I see a glimmer, a faint ray of hope,
And I chase after it, like a desperate soul.

The light grows stronger, as I near the end,
And I burst forth, like a phoenix, from the darkness that had no end.

I'm free from the room, no longer alone,
The walls that once closed in, now a distant memory and gone.


There are poems I have left unsigned
Left in the dark unturned pages
Where they might never be read again
For just the act of writing them
Is almost enough

My yesterdays keep finding me
Every night they discover me in hiding
They beat me down and drag me back
Kicking and screaming
Crying, yelling for it to stop
I have begged and pleaded
Crawled on my knees and lay on my belly
With my hands clasped above my head
This has meant nothing


The only love I had known was like a bee to a cactus flower
So just as a bee, I dug my stinger in as far as it could go
trying desperately to attach
in return
I got ripped apart

I turned into a wasp
I can finally sting
without suffering greater
but little did I know
were a matriarch

the backbone of society
yet some of those women
turn comfort
to anxiety


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