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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Nature's Kind

There's blessing in this bracing breeze
that breathes on me with breath divine.
It bends the branches of the trees,
but fills, with joy, this heart of mine.

Beside this carefree gentle stream
I watch the lonely clouds float by.
They're wistful, like an angel’s dream,
or poet's sentimental sigh.

There's comfort in this place of peace,
far from the noise of mortal men.
The sylvan sublime sounds don’t cease
to captivate the poet’s pen.

Darkness in the Rain

It’s dull, uninspiring and particularly trite,
When headlights expose corners of darkness.
The locals stand close, they’re ready to fight,
As we watch angry fists, the knuckles of sharpness.

Rain pours down the streets flooding the gutter,
Musical downpour beats symphonic tune
While vengeful anger develops a stutter,
And a lightning bolt shoots past the moon.

Tree Hugger

I don't know your names.
I'm horrible at botany,
you flowers and trees
with views of the low hills to the west.

I adorn them with my own monikers
when I walk among them.
I don't mean to offend, and it seems they don't mind.

They are familiar acquaintances,
so I tell myself
they are probably happy
to be called something.

Yellow-Top Plant,
Crooked Climb-y Tree,
and Messy Red Bush
change some with the seasons,


The microwave beeps, breaking the silence
There's still some frost on the pizza
But she serves it anyway
A blank expression on her face

There are clouds gathering out the window
He seems to be staring that way
But whether he's seeing anything
Only he and god know

His eyes come back to the frozen warm pizza
For a moment he stares at it
As if unsure how to proceed
Then he raises his eyes to her
The silence heavy with words
That might never be spoken


Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

Oh so small and delicate too
Is a young girl born into our world

So, from the moment she opens her green eyes
She’s at the mercy of the wolves

It’s true for a time they are bigger and stronger
And they know it

And throughout her life, she comes to learn
They will take every chance they have to show it

All so instinctively, she reaches for the ones
The ones who ought to keep her safe

Until the first time that they let her down
All to save a man’s name


Reborn, every morning
New eyes, without tears
But the same mind
The cold metal lay useless,
stained with blood
Don't look at it,
not for too long
You, who is covered in
stripes of your pain.
Ugly scars upon your legs,
They heal, but remain.
You chose this for yourself.

Battling thoughts

A searing pain from within,
Takes away my joyful grin
Battered and bruised
Yet much more pain is infused.

One of guilt and of shame
Illogical, senses to blame
Darkens my thoughts
With feelings it contorts

In moments of solitary respite
All logic seems to take flight
Pushing out sadness
Onto a mind full of madness

Yet if I stop to reflect my plight
Not giving up the fight
Regaining of hope
To enable me to cope

Challenge-Dear John Letter

Your love for me has faded away
like a beautiful red rose that has budded,
blossomed and died when the cold winter has arrived
and frozen the lovely, pretty flower.

There were moments of happiness our my lives
when we shared the joy of laughter and tears
with each other but now these days were gone
like a spring season has passed away.

I was awakened from my sleep
wishing you would come to visit and
embrace me in your arms
but you were too far away from me

The Handbag.

It's like a time capsule
filled with jewels
and little treasures
The sweet wrappers
lighters and pens
like a carpet bag
it never ends

Appointment cards from 1993
an empty purse
and bunches of keys
A glassses case
with stickers on
The invisible woman!
In cartoon style
I stop and stare
at them a while.

Body Changing Spell

A transformation, instant and bold,
My body will be new, or so I'm told.
My hips will widen, my butt will grow,
My waist will shrink, a new shape to show.

An instant change, a sudden shift,
My body will transform, that's the gift.
My curves will be more pronounced and grand,
As my waistline shrinks, a new shape at hand.

A transformation that will happen fast,
A new shape that will surely last.
My hips and butt will expand and bloom,
As my waistline shrinks, my body assumes.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.