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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Each night before I fall asleep
I feel her breath caress my cheek,
I feel her hair like softest dew
Her scented flesh that wakes anew
Feelings strong I can't ignore
Until, that is, she starts to snore.

Six Teen

It all boils down to numbers, you know.
How many days do I have left to live?
The grass beneath my feet, how many blades?
1, 2, 3, 4
Even numbers are the sweetest,
breathe in.
5, 6, 7, 8
breath out.
Persuading my mind to become calm,
The days go by, and by, and by,
How long have I lived for?
100 years.
each day begins with me being enveloped in fear
will I die this day? tomorrow?
Counting down to my
The sun rises again,


If time is a river, where does it flow
To the sea or the edge of the earth?
In life and in death, and the time that we know
Can we come back anew for rebirth?

If time is a road, where does it lead
Is it too far from the here and the now?
Does it grow strong like an invasive weed
On the sun dappled vines of a bough

If the passing of time means you’ve come to the end
Fear not, embrace journey with open sight
I don’t know what is true so I won’t pretend
I'll float into distant light

Canal Walk

And off I go to walk a mile
Amongst the grass and flowers
I find a bench and sit a while
Maybe minutes but probably hours

I see the water ripple and sway
A sure sign of fish beneath
A raven shouts and flies away
To join it's lover on the heath

The lovely iris nods her head
In the gentle balmy breeze
The jogger puffs and pants ahead
Then stops as their lungs give a wheeze

Rain On My Brain

I can feel the rain

It feels like it is

In every drop

Another drop of blood

I can feel my

Death is coming to

Death is coming to me

I know that no one

I know that I am digging

A grave in which I am

A tribute to my MOTHER

You weren't here long enough.
I didn't get to see you grow old.
You never met your great-grandson, he's courageous and bold.
When I think of you, it is with tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat.
I miss you Mom.
You gave me hope.
You made me smile through all the pain
and I wish I could have returned the favor one day.
I will never again take for granted those moments we are given and I will try to not squander them away.


I sing for these cold winter nights
When the entire world seems to be asleep.
For the broken hearted who are still up
The lonely and the forgotten

I used to think life rejected me
That it would continue to beat me down
Every time I tried to rise
There are times I almost gave up
But somehow I held on

Now then a winter night comes along
I cannot sleep so I go outside
To look at the stars and dream
I only have my shirt on so I'm cold
But the night sky is just so beautiful
So quiet and peaceful

The Simple things

A simple thought,
That sets off fears.
Spreading panic,
To create our tears.

A simple moment,
That sets our ways,
Casting time,
To ruin our days.

A simple word,
That sets off a lie.
Spreading hatred,
To make us cry.

But a simple smile,
And a single laugh.
Creates much joy,
And not by half.

The Enchanting Morning

In the early dawn, when sol's first ray ascends,
A splendid morn, a symphony of delights transcends.
Beneath a cerulean sky, resplendent and grand,
Nature awakens, in an opulent, vivid land.

The avian choir in harmonic splendor sings,
Their melodies, an ethereal tapestry it brings.
A cacophony of warbles and trills,
Enchanting my senses, curing life's ills.

Grow Up

Grow up.
That’s what my parents always told me
You act like a child.
That’s what my teachers told me.
You are so immature.
That’s what my friends told me.
Why are you like this?
That’s what I said to myself.
Every night in the mirror
Until one day
You aren’t the parent here.
That’s what my parents tell me.
You changed.
That’s what my teachers tell me.
You have gotten boring.
That’s what my friends tell me.
Why are they like this?
I ask myself in the mirror.


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