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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Since the very day I was born
My dependence began

I relied upon my mother and father
To feed, clothe and nurture me
They taught me how to walk
How to read and write
And how to pray

My brother's and sisters taught me
Ways to interact as a family
How to deal with pain, with love
They succeeded in developing a unit
That would provide caring, safety and hope

My teachers taught me
How to how to read
And write more effectively
How to interact with other students
How to achieve my goals

21. ( All that was left behind)

A place of worship
Is where my body fell.
Am I alive?
Is this hell?
I now only serve as sacrificial flesh
I am willing, if it makes you smile a little longer.
The night sky holds
No stars for me
I look down,
a small patch of grass
The broken frame of who I once was
Lies before me,
It's eyes move.
It can still see.
I am,
and I always will be,
that small broken body on the ground
Sounds of people walking by
As if it doesn't matter

Jose Cuervo and Friends

I taught you to drive in my five-hundred-dollar car
with power everything from Detroit.
Some of it still worked, if coaxed.

The fucking brakes were so sensitive
I hit my head on the dash
when you pressed the pedal too hard.
The car stopped, but not my memories.

We drove to the beach at night
and launched bottle rockets out into the sea
from the pitted chrome fender.
Maybe the only thing left on the exterior
that hadn’t completely surrendered to rust.

Music class

That time we made the music teacher cry
Before the silent waiting keyboards and an unruly class of angry young girls
She was new and we were unfamiliar
I cannot recall her name

That time we made the music teacher cry
I admired her slight punk look and boyish hairstyle
A certain hit with the class surly ? I think as
I entered the room with quite respect
assessing the silence

Cage the Heart

Walking along with a bundle of shame
Maybe it’s lighter than the guilt
Holding me fast like a ball and chain
This prison I have built

Brick and mortar, walls of stone
Iron bars lined one by one
Cage the heart that’s leaden gray
So it may never run

Sever cords from heart to head
Stifling the meddling mind
Ears are deaf and tongue is mute
To hurtful words unkind

Laying siege upon myself
Apparitions dark and cold
Eventually they penetrate
My worn resolve will fold



His grandad brought me
Nestling in his big hand
A ninth birthday present
Obviously long planned

I was a young fox terrier
The smooth haired breed
Lucky was to be my name
I even had a leather lead

I soon adapted as a pet
Clearly loved by the boy
Taken daily for a walk
Even given a rubber toy

With a garden to explore
A soft bed based inside
Could I want for more
A warm home I can abide

Once Upon a Time

My get up and go has got up and gone
It's left me way behind,
As I look through the bars of the Autumn of life
Warm memories fill my mind.

Where are the drainpipes, sharp velvet collars
Brothel Creepers, thin ties,coloured socks?
Gone, buried away as I sense the day fail
And the Reaper watches and mocks.

And the girls, Oh! the girls how we threw them around
As Bill Halley resounded through halls.
If we got lucky we took them to bed,
So drunk we barely could crawl.


I can hear the laughing from behind

It echoes through the chambers of my mind

The mist rises, bringing tears to my eyes

All that I wish for, fate seems to deny

My feet are trapped in the quicksand of time

Each day on my face there appears another line

Memories fading away slowly from my head

Each night I find it harder to remember what I said

Pain chases after me like a rabid dying hound

Please bury me beneath holy, forgotten ground

Please cover me under unholy unforgiving dirt


Once upon a time
I was young and free and full of life
It flown out of me like a river in the mountains
Huh, who am I kidding
I was young and alive
And that's all that can be said

My poetry was bleak and full of pain
It was like the tears of the mothers of the slain
Like the wails of the orphans that got left behind
I took the pain from my heart
Thick like blood from slit throats
I turned it into ink
Turned it into art


It seems a strange name, yet he claimed his fame
His was not a name you'd use loosely
He could handle demands with his capable hands
He was a superhero named 'Poopsy'
When in his stride, you couldn't stem the tide
And he'd make the nudniks stay away
Or they'd get their come-uppance from this man of substance
But no-one understood his sobriquet
He was the People's hero with a peaceful ego
Our natural successor to Bruce Lee
The king of martial arts around these parts


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.