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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Once upon a Time

Lies tales of joy and sorrow,

Heard by those who seek knowledge,

In the depths of its hallowed hall.

The stories quiet-spoken,

Of kings and queens,

Of wizards and warriors,

Of lovers and dreams.

A way to escape,

If only for a while,

The Shortest Long Goodbye

Are you there?
I've tried a million times
But the tears I cannot hide

I'm weighing you down
You deserve so much more
Then disappointment and defeat
You have much to lose and it's not me

Let me close my eyes
Let this be our last goodbye
Let me close my eyes
You deserve better than me


Every night I look up at the moon, wondering if I'm doomed! they always say your a flower;bloom! all these trials and tribulations make me feel like I'm never gunna make it too that room. I always knew I was entergalatic since the day I came outta da womb .one day folks gon read Rip KRW on a tomb. so I tell em yooo while I'm standin make room; I'm coming through jumping over brooms. get it? when I'm on scene I light up the room, I'm not a diamond in da rough I'ma rough diamond just like the moon even at night I'm shinin I know you feel my rhymin!

End Of Day

summer night relief
curtains exhale silently
cool air tiptoes in

Peter in Virginia

I felt something sweet for you
Memories of wispy western country blues
A rumpy red truck in vast Virginia
I couldn’t see the gray snow within the
Words you mentioned
Another moldy midday -
Misses your noonday monday
I wonder if I’m to be forgotten
A bouquet of weeds in the backseat
Of your rumpy red pickup fleet
I suppose I once felt something sweeter
I heard the radio jump with a southern tang
Now my heart taste like lemon grind
I see the widow waiting in the rearview mirror

Drowned by my Past

My head is pounding,
my stomach's churning.
A mountain of stress,
that's most concerning.

A burdened mind,
so full of chaos.
Joyful thoughts,
seem so way off.

And as I struggle,
with such madness.
All of my joy,
gets replaced by sadness.

Yet though I know,
this will not last.
My mind's drowned,
by my awful past.



In a massive and complicated world
There’s often no time for little things
Tiny instances that make you smile
Or even wince, and sometimes both
Yet they are the very building blocks
That make us who we actually are
Not those elegant beautiful palaces
But the little things we’ll not forget

Reality Of Love

The uniquest hope finally descended,
As reality was so ultimately transcended,
As the realist truth was comprehended,
At the point my world very nearly ended.

For the past is only written in stone,
When we have truly build our home,
And a light is cast upon a future known,
And our realities we truly call our own.

Our destinies my love shall always intertwine,
For our hearts are truly beautifully sublime,
And our intellects uniquely perfectly refined,
With our empathic perfection being so kind.

Inside Pitch

“The world is depressing tonight.", I declare.
A cruel darkness seemingly holding sway all around us.
But she knows how to deflect my anxiety.

With our game on in the background,
she offers, "Did you know a two-seamer
is also known as a sinker ball?"
"Actually, I wasn’t really sure about that.", I say.

Our conversation spins away from my misgivings
to the many names given to pitched baseballs,
my disquiet soon forgotten.

go back and retry

Don't worry and don't cry
Just go back and retry
And never let it dry
Your destiny is waiting
Your talent is fresh
Your vision is live
Let it not to dry
To dry like cement
That won't be wet again
Move away from the sun
And never be under the moon
For they shine on one side
Don't let someone's destiny
To be your destiny
Because he reach his destiny
But go Back to your journey
Even when you're so tired
For tiredness is the beginning of gain.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.