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still was the night

still is the night
no sounds of rain
or soft landing flakes
not one tweeting bird
no bunnies dash with haste
i couldn’t hear a mouse
i couldn’t see my own face
in the stillness of the night

not one disturbance
with the exception of i
though i lay awake
resting in my own hide
a growing belly and a chest ever so tight
we must not disturb
the still of the night


The golden roman shield like
disc above glinting
Like a polished coin Punching the

Sky waking it up. The Feathered
snipered hungry cadaver eyes circling
Watching as I look above. crys of

Starvation. Below the scorching
Grain biscuit. The Devils sauna pit

The air as dry as dust
My body already claimed
My soul over to hell to satan

to gold sprinkled dust

Things That Get Me Through The Day

A spouse that remains loving and caring
A family that believes in sharing

The report that no illness exists
The everyday temptations we resist

The work that stimulates my mind
The everyday help our workers find

The thoughts that life is so dear
A gift from God that allows us here

The possibilities we know can be
The help we clearly can see

As we get older each day
We tend to think and pray

Whatever tomorrow can bring
Provide us with the bells that ring

Grandma's Kitchen (Boo's Table)

Boo's kitchen was a wondrous place,
Filled with love and plenty of grace.
For though it was humble and small,
It held enough food to feed an army tall.

Boo's table was always full,
Brimming with dishes, oh so colorful.
Recipes written in polish charm,
Passed down from generations with arms.

The aroma of spices filled the air,
As 50's country music blared.
Boo would dance and sway around,
Her kitchen was her sacred ground.


Of all things said, of all things spoken,
Of all messages delivered from mind's pregnancy,
To caress those cords, forcing sleeping lips to wake,
Of all words birthed, all plans taken,
What must be done must be done, actions bring legacy

Of all things said, of all things believed alive,
Of all promises decorated in the heart's parlour,
Entertaining future harvest, pleasant not pallor,
Of all hopes sustained, all trust maintained,
What must be done must be done, let those words come alive.

Darkness and Light

It's forever the rainbow
But never the rain
Everyone adores joy
But everybody despises pain

The sun gets all the praise
The moon is deemed dark
Street lights are vibrant
The differences are stark

What I'm trying to say
If you haven't figured it out
All focus on happiness
As for me, I don't doubt

Without the darkness of night
We wouldn't appreciate the sun
We wouldn't know absence of sorrow
If we lived our lives having none


Of all the snakes upon this land,
One that shines above them all,
The definition of perfect beauty,
That flows with nature's call.

This weighty water serpent winds,
Through states that number four,
Born of humble, small beginnings,
Towards the Pacific it will roar.

Tributaries help to carve the way,
Through forest and thirsty plain,
Giving life to nature's wonders,
The farmer's crops it will sustain.

On Growing Old

I sit alone
in the dark
thinking about the journey of the sun,
its coming and going -

leaving me,
then finding me hours later
donning my same skin.

I rise to turn on a lamp,
then stop, content to linger in these
last delicate moments of this day,

eager to know the friendship of tomorrow,
and indebted to the loyalty of every yesterday.

Another One Bites The Dust!

2023 New Year's Image Prompt

It has been a roller-coaster ride
This Slip stream mounted slide,
Oft' times we must partake and abide.

Out with the olden days,
Let us come out of this haze
with a well turned phrase...

On the appointed hour, raise
your voices and glasses in praise,
As we promise new ways in coming days.

We shall seek each others smiles,
repair to embrace a while
enjoying the others styles.

Let there be lilting mirth,
raise your voices high
on the eve of our rebirth!

Too Late

3am came late again,
my tongue feels like a root.
I thought about our summers past
of youth, now lost and destitute.

A glass of water woke my teeth.
My vocal cords were freed.
There grew three words from blossomed lips
"I miss you" fell like sterile seeds...

From cloudy thoughts dripped salted rain
my slippers shuffled through.
Yes, 3am came late again
when I remember you...


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.