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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


I'm Having an Affair

with Mary.
I was seduced
in Barnes & Noble,
lured to the poetry section
next to coffee and pastries.

I touched her Blue Iris,
fondled her Red Bird
and recounted why
she wakes to watch
the early sunrise.

She looked better than I remembered
in a brown jacket
with a striking
emblem of a bear
on the front.

She took me to her tent
near Truro
and told me of turtles, toads,
hermit crabs,
and her fear
of ridding her garden
a small harmless snake.

Alternative Ending

noir weasel
on the lam
and broken
he cries
for the last time

baby doll pic
in hip pocket
rubber garter
on his arm
self awareness dies
slithering into

Creature of the Night

Oh creature of darkness, that’s what I’ve called you!
You thrive by sapping the spirit of innocent egos,
bringing down even once a mighty a soul.
You roam the city streets sniffing, listening, and searching
another victim to be found.
A sacrificial lamb for thy devilish offering
to quench the wantonness of thy nether desires.
The dark wishes of thy nether siblings and another life to wreck.

The Walking Man...

I see you walking all alone
So many places, I've seen you roam

Far uptown, and downtown too
Sometimes, I see you someplace new

I often think, I'll ask one day
What makes you walk all that way?

I wonder what your thoughts might be?
I've seen you look right at me

But, you just turn your head and walk
If I stopped, would you talk?

I think about your solititude
I'd interrupt, but it might be rude

What would you say, should I question?
What makes you walk, in this direction?


stand here greedily
spilling jewel grains of
honey colour sugar

damn you

this distance
and yet intimacy
warm like an amulet
riding on the ribs

here we go trying to
pick a stir stick
its too much this choice
it has to be the right

singular and similer
as the others

then stir and stir
while my thoughts
flex and take flight
the gentle crushing
melding of sugar
and hot juice of the
broken bean

You in the Moon Split Water

You in moon split water
came by me,
We shone naked
cupped by warm
skin dripped
soundings of
one into other,


Wet slipped
gliding grasps
through our lips,
lapped love
from the heart pools
of our souls

until it,
all drunk up
in the moon waned
tear drops,


Charismatic Poet

Charismatic Poet

Cinderella Song

She slipped to trip

her slipper fell--

it found its light
a wishing well
of painted days
that dreamed of night;

[Cinderella's midnight flight.]

Time sped so fast
her eyes lost sheen
her focus dazed

became unclean

in dreams forgotten
one by one
as childhood lines

became undone.

Each finger filtered
two by four
and every day
they added more

to find her path
and pin her to
the place where


Somewhere In Seattle

Take a walk with me. Around this flat
uneven road. The bends of drooping pines and blushing chimneys
puffing smoke. And rain melts into daffodils. A woodpecker
on my windowsill. Two crows on the wire line.
And a street of cars winding around the cul-de-sac. The stop sign
overlooks the manhole. I-90 at a distance. There is sunset
falling on Mercer Island. It presses kisses on green.
Some bodies of blue and the Light Rail is rushing. A quiet breath
then clouds cast a shadow over Mt. Rainier...



you have no claim on wombs
just as rain cannot hold
onto clouds

things change
they drop
Autumn's failings

and i give birth
to a man's live ammunition
nurture the beast


the images i detest
i love again
this segregated DNA
i twisted from sperm to egg

unlike neruda

i share falsehood of love
to claim part of you
hold you at arms length
clasping tight your clutch



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