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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


like jack, he said the road had a beat

he said someday he'd go south,
away from the gaunt faces of
the men and women in his town,
all the young pretty ones
worn out and obese
by the time they turned
twenty five

far beyond the
whining relatives,
whose crops had failed,
the weather too hot
or too wet for success

Words Of a Soul

Disciples of emotion
Protectors of innocence
Children of passion
Baptized by pain
Artists of the soul

Their heart speaks
In words of truth
That exposes
Heals and avenges

No army can defend
The artillery of a pen
No general can outwit
A mind bathed in knowledge
No politician can speak louder
Than words from a soul

Isolated from rationality
Labeled by society
Inspired by agony
Kept in their hearts

Adam's House Of Horror's

Torture system
Stretching cracks
Snapping bones and breaking backs.

Daily grinding
Rusty chains
Deeply flaying marrow pains.

Poison potions
Slyly nursed
Drunk to quench a dying thirst.

Vital organs
Slowly fed
Bleeding toxins to the head.

In confusion
Happy dreams
Drown the sound of harrow screams.

Withered muscles
Flapping flesh
In the graveyard maggot creche.

Bloated bodies
Crawling flies
Spilling out of hollow eyes.


I see blackberry winter's here
that very special time of year
when thorny vine's small white bloom
announces colder weather's doom

It's cold enough to wear long sleeves
to ward off spring's last chilly breeze
yet warm enough up in the day
to show that cold won't long hold sway

The flower of this lowly berry
reminds that summer will not tarry
this mini-season won't last long
so don a cloak and come along


take in the snow falling like thoughts
slow in their spiral

languid in their language
dark and mottled under the light
the grey where night has not
where the wind has not removed

this cold that slips between sleep
and dreams
stirs like the gusts
the parking lot entertains

night haunted as a lonely ballad


The darkness overwhelms me.
I live in yesterday's world.
Each yesterday is darker than the
one before. Seeing a sad black
life crossing out the days on the
calendar, one at a time.

Looking back, I cannot see past
the black shadow that engulfs me.
My life is spent trying to retrieve
yesterday.....I realize that it will
never come to pass, backwards I'm
wanting to retrieve the yesterday.
I realize that it will never come
to pass.

Impressionatomy 101

We were introduced, "unlikilly-like"
if we were to agree that that's a word,
her demeanor seemed so serious that
it called for the absurd.

So, I began to re-scramble words
and string them crazily on a strand,
and offered to clasp them 'round her neck
in hopes she'd understand.

Her aura was simplistical mystical
her eyes captured each scene,
then, she portrayed a knowledge worthy
the wisdom of a queen.

why now

thought I'd moved forward
left all the yesterdays
where they belong

but unfinished business
called today and threw me back
into a whirlpool of emotions

can I close those doors
where eddies full of anger
spin constant

shut out hands of pain
that twist a heart
til it can sob no more

perhaps tomorrow will bring
clarity to a mind that now
suffocates in a mire of regret

a mire -
full of words unspoken

MALLORCA. "A walk into heaven."

17th April 2011 MALLORCA. "A walk into heaven."

And it did stay away, the rain? It did, and the great globe of fire spun round and round making the heat dither off our skins and colour them brown, I go brown not red luckily but perhaps that is because I don't lie in it all day.

Stepping on whose head?

Sucking the life out
of all you touch
they are but stepping stones
To you they don't mean

You're so high
on yourself
you don't see me
getting close
So self absorded

not seeing what's about
to strike home
The payment of one life
justifies the sinning

There will be smiles
not one tear
When a fist full of dirt
is dropped upon
the fertile earth


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.