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Haiku IV

"The contours of earth
Are the roads traveled in life
Searching for our place"


Just memory now, the cold March wind
which made the bare trees sway and bend
tossing sedge fields into waving seas
causing early mornings' puddle freeze.

For now April has half worn out
and spring is blossoming about.
The days of dawning frosts are done
replaced by dewy sequins in the sun.

We'll greet the warm days while they last
for the southern heat approaches fast.
Ere long we'll mourn the cold that's lost
and yearn for return of autumn's frost.

eucalyptus viminalis




I reached up, and ever up,

my palm skimming grey, morning green,

and a wraith of sandstorm-brown.

I climbed and saddled myself astride

the notch of two dividing, naked limbs,

my sap to the tree’s sap, my limbs locked around you,

my lips to your smooth, cool bark;

the scent, the sense of your leaves,

the bitterness of girls’ hair in the rain,

the taste of it on my tongue.

I knew how there was no right mind in love,

only being grafted against my will to the eucalyptus,

Slow Fade

Wistfully I watch her
sitting in bed
staring at nothing.

As I enter she seems surprised
Inquiring “Oh Lori your're here. Is school over already?”
Squelching down the urge to tell her
“ Mom, I’m grown.”
I smile, laugh and say
“It is Saturday.”

Her eyes bright, as she declares
“See I know who you are...
...your Dad thinks I’m delusional.”

Quickly I lean in
hugging her small frame
hiding tears
balanced on my eyelashes.


another poem by my grandaughter

Nature’s Might

Mother earth teach me your ways,
We go to meet your children,
My mind and make me become one with you,
Many things to learn, but I wish to know,
Me the world beneath my feet,
Me with your arms of light,
Those who come to abolish your knights,

by Isabelle Pacis


why do
thoughts of you
fool me out
of sleep
take me backwards
through old movies
their grainy memories
blur colors into gray
walls waved with
angry admissions; we
both had little control,
tore each other like
wolves rip their prey

if i could return
to a time
where us
had not yet taken place
i may find where the dreams went

still asleep in
some corner
to be discovered
and not smashed
on the rocks
of indecision

Poem and Haiku by my grand child 11yrs old

By Isabelle Pacis 11yrs old

The State of Pain

Have you ever felt
The feeling of being scolded
As if you were a child
the pain, you used to get
When something tragic

That feeling you get
When you’re left out
Crying your eyes out
All alone and you can’t
Take the pain

You lose all hope
Of getting back
To your
Positive state of mind

Vision Screen: The Bottom Line

On time is usual for me.
Today I was early enough
to enjoy the routine
of completing both sides
of two forms
like I did six months ago
and six months before.
I pressed information to the lines
in cursive form learned
via the Palmer Method.

I wrote
exact data
as the pervious pages
in my thick manila folder
resting next to the phone
on the receptionist’s counter.

Dumb F#&*...

The arguement goes on and on, the brothers don't agree
The incessant voices in my head, are slowly killing me
Killer wants to get revenge, he cannot stand the pain
The shouting of them both is driving me insane

Sir Gee is losing this one, Killer's got him down
I think tonight we're going... out to ride around
In fact, there is a certain someone, that we want to see
He has a little silver gun; used it robbing me


*I caught the Haiku flu and decided to bring this back from old site

In the spirit of poetry crossing all cultural boundaries, I shall present the poem and then translations.

............Classic Japanese
Peace and calm prevail
lending all contented lives
a goal to strive for

............Southern "Redneck"
Hey ya'll be cool now
we'll git some grits and collards
then lay in the shade


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