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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Nearly there

Nearly there…

It’s early morning and yet me
and six billion humans are rushing
headlong down the road to nowhere
with only a lifetime to get there.

This long dark road curves
like a steel rope
carrying all our weight
our hope

white lines pass intermittently
with a click of the cats eyes
under our wheels
my mind turns to road tax
politician inconsistent selfish
untruthful the shady deals

Forever In My Heart

I wipe the tears of the rain

That run down my face

I'll wait for love in vain

Until time will shatter like grace


I'll hold you in my heart

Like the wind in my hands

I'll keep your memory as a whole part

Of my dreams that drift like sands


Until time is no more

The wound and pain of loving you

Will remain in a closed door

As a living existence of a love so true


In the hour glass

Memories of you will forever live

Like the beautiful lass

What's Up?...

Realization of the weaker set
is part of the anatomy
Strength; reserved, is the proper thing
No match, no equal, has been observed

Certainly not this puny mind
nor the weak frame, needing support
Bones of steel, and cool blood
make for a champion

With ease, and a certain aplomb
the opening of doors, and holding them
leaves the impression of courtesy
"Control, is more like it"


A mocking bird just flying by
no intent on doing harm
but being a bit inattentive
landed on a long dead branch
which promptly broke

Before the branch did more than crack
the bird flew off not looking back
leaving the dead branch to fall
but that's not all

The branch was on a mountain top
and fell and hit a little rock
which was holding back a boulder
now unfettered
now rolling
now flying
over a short cliff
high up on the mountain

orange blossoms

after the firestorm
when the earth shakes her fury
the time of rainbows.....

her devastation
but a path
to what cannot pass away
the spirit that thrives
inside orange blossoms
that roar and howl
with flesh

stranger than fiction
stronger than chains
then linking us to earth,

a flash,
here then gone.


Margaret Ann Waddicor
1st May 2011

Sick as sick as sick can be
when being sick is sick to me
I'm sick of it fair sick of it
as you can see

yes sicks' the word for this
I'm sick in my abyss of pain
I send the sickness back again
but sickness follows me
as you can see

and now you're even sick of me
repeating sick again
for sick is just a pain.

No Easy Explanation

I have faltered
in my walk
as a man
fumbling through
menial jobs
for daily bread
(and visible means)
taking no advantage of
generous opportunities
graciously offered
rudely rejected
no plan
no map
from here to where?
others work hard
it's clearly unfair
I should be so content

Reality ( quadruple senryu )

Reality is:
The circumference of our lives
in this space of time.

It is perception,
an analogue of senses,
consciously awake.

It’s recollections,
delusions and elusions,
clearly undefined.

It’s our molecules,
the essence of our being,
every breath we take.

writing poetry for lovers

youth is tough for dreamers
i write that
intending it
to be all i say

but you remember things
little ones
shallots are spring onions
and it leaves me
you listened

there should be
something more profound
than just outlines of myself
more to run your hands across

more lasting than
whatever 'this' is

and there again is
a reason to make you
into poetry

so 'this' is remembered
by the poet


They issue warnings, it's no use
for Ol' Muddy has let loose
fed by melt and rain far from here
bringing misery to all things near

Underneath the blue bird sky
I watch inexorable water rise
one day dampening my fields
the next destroying all their yields

Driving out rabbits and deer
bringing snakes much much too near
I've hauled my livestock off the farm
to a place I hope is beyond harm


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.