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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Moon Spun

I dance to melodies both bright and swift
diminished only by the rising sun
and yet, within the swirl where chances sift
I struggle with my smile when song's begun.
I stumble when my dreams and heaven meet,
as "fancy free" and quicker dancing feet
will join the dark to scribe my written word,
and blend its voice to song of mocking bird.


welcome with the rush of words
echo down the hall
the carpet dark
walls deep red

I remember when the moon
rose red
the August heat thick
in its swelter
the stars were sweating
and falling like feiry

you leaned forward
the serious face
examing me

never sure if I was high
or imbibing

Tarpaulin (eddy styx)


Let me be
your human canvas
carve me like
you would on stone
my fingers bleed
words upon the page
yet I am only
flesh and bone
pacing my steps
upon the stage
only mortal man
who writes his soul
crying out
to the thin air
I beg of you
to treat me fairly
look down upon me
if you dare
but don't ignore me
with your silence
for I would be
your human canvas...

~we come together

and like the tender glint
of a thousand august stars
that tangle in darkness

I travel over you

my breath
the nameless wind of sky
between peaks of mountain breasts

my sweat
of summer salted seas
in a gentle shower
as if to moisten the mound
of your fertile flesh

you wash against me
like waves over smooth stone
and I swallow the warmth
of your flooding stream

for you

for you, I'd go through one hundred thirty six realms of hell
my eyes burning with poems,
place the red leaf of it in your hands,

I would breathe into your mouth
your Venus on a half-shell,
newly emerged from your
vision of her solitary confinement....

her brilliant hair flowing around your ankles
the pleasure of your love
plucked from Aegean Seas
and etched into the pale blue brocade
of sky between your need
and your holy desire

her star falling
into your body

A "Who-Done-It"

a semi-rude awakening
uncalled for

who opened the blinds
who let the sunshine in
where is my identity
it was right here last night
where did this one
come from
I hate new things

well, it seems I used to
now having second thoughts
I really do like it
this new sense suits me fine

"off with the old, on with the new"

who said that
was someone here
I thought was a dream

no, really, what happened
I am smiling before noon

invention of questions

this could be our
soundtrack would be
the tv you leave on
how every night
the orphan of us
grows lonelier
inside its shadow

here, clothes
remain in suitcases
we fear hanging
preferring bruised
from travel

the manager
tells us
she was beautiful
before the hammer struck
before the man
smashed open her head
and broke it apart
as you undress me
i observe
the brushstrokes of blood

declaration of love

oh little trembling bee
i am finely tuned in
(to your wavelength)
and turned on by
your swaying body

thus i announce my desire
little bee my heart racing
at your name's mention
pale faced and weak in the
knees (when you're near)

i love your sweet glances
with all the chances
we are taking while trying
to disguise our inclination
toward one another

The Wine

My mind said no
Because of the wine
My body said go

Influence by the wine
I couldn't say no
Now I'm in a bind

My head is spinning
I can't say no
So you're winning

You scored a home run
I was out
Now We're done



We didn't know, so long ago
in our tiny textile town
when they closed the first mill down
it would not be the last to go

Everything would be alright
grown men working part time jobs
late night worried, anguished sobs
the unemployed now taking flight

The other mill was still going
long gone the days of over time
managers watching every dime
winds of change had started blowing


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.