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welcome with the rush of words
echo down the hall
the carpet dark
walls deep red

I remember when the moon
rose red
the August heat thick
in its swelter
the stars were sweating
and falling like feiry

you leaned forward
the serious face
examing me

never sure if I was high
or imbibing

"were you at the station?"
you asked straight out
and I stared back
always amazed at the
colour of your eyes
I could never easily get
past that
never will

the fan driving air past
you from the dark night
behind the blinds
somewhere a dog
was barking

"no Im just hung over
and hungry"

a smile slowly comes
and we relax in our chairs
like a wave resting on the
dark beach

there is history on our islands

Editing stage: 


i doubt I will ever correct the faults
but thank you for noting them

I love movies

the way the writers, directors, and
talented actors actresses can
make such atmosphere in scenes

pure magic

Im just a hack at this stuff
my graffitti I love to create
little skits and scenes
from such few lines

thank you

author comment

thank you for your work
the poem freely given
Im glad people love them
Im still not sure how to copy
and paste but in reading your
corrections the poem looks

again thank you for this It means
so much to me!

author comment
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