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The stream (all workshops)

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falling into love's cliché

i almost fell between a rock and a hard place,
it rained a hard rain yesterday
and hurt blossomed with echoes of thunder,

five o' clock this morning birdsong fills my ears
and the ground is saturated with unshed tears,
you are the shoulder on which I lay my grief,
you are arms and an arm's embrace
you are hands that tear open old scars,
and hands that expose a wounded heart


a test of the workshop button


Hello dad, it's been a while
since we had a chance to talk
I've kind of missed that crooked smile
let's go with memory for a walk

Hope that you've been doing fine
there at your new home
remember that muscadine wine
and all the hills we used to roam?

They say the fish are biting well
at those places that we used to fish
to go again would be just swell
we'd catch as many as we'd wish

Dog's Day

went by so fast
did I understand
what to pass on
to the ones I love
imparting to those
the importance
of hard work, honesty
and how to dedicate

Did they get it
or did I fail
only their future
will tell
so please
don't give me
which will never
measure if I was
a bad or good
show me by
your reliance
on what you've

father's day

violet pansies with silly faces
ask me about truth
it's Sunday morning and old hurts
return to kick me in the guts and i'm
already down for the count

when your father is dead there's nothing
but silence between you and his grave
absence is sixty-four scorpion stings,
but you keep
on walking

my children will always remind you that
Father's Day is not about men with selfish
inclinations, it's about a mother's child,
loving you with their always-children hearts--


Unfinished business, not only about half baked bread
It is also propos of shoddy execution of public projects
Like building hospitals and schools, puffed up contracts
Road construction and even in the rider of protection
Bogus, they are, deficient in quality, wanting in rationale
It is really that which we must do acceptably to the end

flooding river

forbidden waters
makes one weak
a drowning man
knows no peace
flooding river
winding down
like a warden
grants no release

flooding river
gonna take my home
leave me
naked and alone
mean old river
so unkind
shows no mercy
leaves nothin' behind


Arms outstretched and face to the sky
He turned his eyes toward the rising sun
Greeting the world, with a heavy sigh
The night's terrible deeds were done

The vision of the unholy carnage
wrought by his bloody knife
The pulsing, pounding, red rage
As he took each worthless life

They had taken all he held dear
Without mercy, they had sucked him dry
He watched them meet their ends in fear
He saw the terror in their eyes

Hidden Lies

Love once shattered my soul
painful dreams shadowed me
from all harm, scars settled
deep inside.

Time slips by
memories of who she was
scatter as the breeze bellows
through the trees.

Tender thoughts flee endlessly
intensity floods with every beat
mummers trigger misfire
frozen alibis melt the truth away.

Time slips by
ecstasy dissipates from
hidden lies.
Reflections of inner heart.

~as lovers do

we stayed miles north of ordinary
on the far side of awakening
and stole away Saturdays with
half-broke horses and ravens in winter white

the scent of us still lingers there
in wildflowers

I visit mountain sorrow with endlessly empty arms
melt beautiful from the silence of snow
let moonlight memories weep 'til dawn

waiting for you

to kiss the eyelids of my mourning sleep
so I can find you again
and fold you inside my poetry


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