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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Dazed and Confined

'Twas twilight on an odd day, winter
with the shadows playing tricks with my head,

and to my dismay,
I'd had it, that day
I can't believe what those idiots said!

It was cool so, I pulled on my "hoodie"
with a logo of a team I'm not for,

no matter the name,
I wore it the same
someone knocked then, 'fore I opened, my door!

I welcomed them in past my threshold
just to find out there was nobody there;

Don't Kid Me Killer...

Killer stomped into the office, his face was twisted mean
He slammed the fuckin' door, and then began to scream
What the fuck is going on here? I really want to know
Everyone was frozen stiff, their faces white as snow
Silence filled the room, the radio went dead
And not a peep was heard, there was nothing said

I’m not Blind

I am not blind
But colour blind,
My hearts’
Not red,
I’m told it’s white
Red hot...
That's how I live
So ever happily

Let love be blind
But under the sheets
No lights are needed...

Tis the warmth of the hearth
The length and breadth
That we value most
You love me
I’d love to toast.

So is loves divinity
A gift of eternity
Where’s the need
Of anothers invasion,
When love and lust
Can be the very most
Satisfying equation


The screen indicates "loading...loading",
But all I read is "loathing, loathing".

My butter is hard on the mouldy bread,
And stale milk fills my empty breath.

I smell the flower's dying odours,
And hear the gander croaking wild.

I see my dreams like fragile glass
Shatter against the wind's stormy face.

My sleep is like a waiting grave
In which I'll die; from which I'll rise.

My fear is real, and stalking me.
As these last letters are made free.

Different Whispers of a Song

Sometimes it seems so difficult
making sense, of what is true,

by the time I've gained the knowledge
for that day, the day changes, "hue"!

Consequently, I have lately
become multi-optic with my eyes,

and a tad bit more discerning
so that the truth, I'll realize.

I listen with my ears....intent
and I know from what I see,

when things start appearing "suspect"
I'll ask questions to clear things up for me.

Summer Soldier

you ran away and
before you were
writing someone else's words
"plagiarism ain't a sin"
you said
i pretended i hadn't heard

summer soldier, would you fight for me?
summer soldier, would you go overseas?
summer soldier, those girls are awful pretty
would you die for me?
could you lie to me?

now i see
you were born to break things
countless pretty little hearts
crushed them up to
fine dust in the wind
never to return again


the dream is broken
all the lovers have
given their hope
to wings of errant angels


When a jinx is broken
Something new takes its place
From the awards so far taken
The worth puts smiles on a face
Retarded energy draws them back
Till a jinx puts a stop to it

When a jinx is broken
Shattered shackles of slavery
That held captives to be beaten
Now testify to their bravery
Ill luck suffered setback
A jinx put an end to it


A New Year 2012 dawns,
As all poets around the world soar
On every site
In the heart of mankind


Loved, implores
That all well wishers, friends
As well as foes,
Shake hands,
As the Dawn of a New Year,
The last of the Mayan Calendar,
Sees the day of light,
As the sun rises today
And shall ever hence.


Tucked safe within my small abode
warmed by the snap and hiss of fire
as sleet peppers the old tin roof
sparks escape the contained pyre

Within the flames my mind drifts off
upon a tide of winter sound
and settles on the sylvan lands
as, outside, ice covers the ground

Ice that tinkles like wind chimes
when it falls from frozen trees
shaken off of shivering limbs
by the first chill morning breeze


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.