Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


I did write your name

My right palm
I did write your name
Not with ink
In awesome colors
Neither blood
But, with
Each tear.

Each drop, slowly wiped away,
Stained my flesh
Your name only
It did smear
Yes, oh lover of my soul
Upon my right palm,
I did write your name
With my each and every

Workshop part three ( storytelling in verse)

Long was the night
and longer still the shadows
I readied all for our wedding night
Eddie Styx is to be my best man
Should he take a night from stalking

The preacher, sanctimonious old goat died last week
So he shall be at his prime
The menu a feast to behold
served cold, as the road it was killed on

Lorraine, Lorraine I come for you this night
There on her balcony she stood
beautiful, warm and alive
This too shall pass


Exist, exile,
when set aside
for that last mile,
a trial at close of day.

Why me, not you.
'Tis for the few
to end at break of day,
my life not easy,
trouble free,
and yet it had its way.

Through times of joy
and times of sadness
times of freedom,
times employed.

Twinned the two halves
joined in gladness,
mother, father's seed
developed into me.

Straight From Your Pen

Great poetry comes straight from
Pens of great poets 
Not stifled by egos 
That hinder 

Willing to work on weaknesses taking liberties
Born from loins and wombs
Not literal, just poetical
That heals 

Inner self tortured by soul
Flaming with passion and distresses

Straight from your pen 
Titles were created, inducing
Creativity, flexibility in
Writing grandeur poems

I Walk In Spirit and Truth, Not Dark and False

There's a principle in the Bible
That says
Do unto those who CAN'T do unto you
In equal
Feed the poor
Provide for the widows
Look after orphans

There's a principle in the world
That says
Do unto those who CAN do unto you
In equal
Feed the poor
Provide for the widows
Look after orphans

In my experience
I've been and still am poor
Unable to eat from tables
Designed to
Feed the poor
Provide for the widows
Look after orphans past and present

Reverend Director II...

Now the silence is suddenly broken
as Killer's boots whisper on the floor
The reverend sounds a "heh" of satisfaction
"She's coming back for more"

"Who's there" he says, is it you?
Now you get yourself on back here
No one will know, if you do
You ain't got nothing to fear

A hardened hand grasps his throat
and another holds a knife
Little grunts escape his lips
and he struggles for his life


This full catastrophe living
is tough
morning catcalls of capricious longing
an abstemious journey that leaves me replete

with nothing

my mother always said
the reason why love matters
is so that we'll live life well
feel in sync,
even be lucky enough to be

by an angel

Word Machine

It's when I'm dead tired,
it's when I'm up at one in the morning,
It's when my eyes are bloodshot,
It's when the ink of the paper bleeds onto my hands,
It's when the world has gone dead silent,
That I am the best poet I could ever be,
So lets stay up one last time,
And lets kick ass.

Exasperation....Summation about Poetry

just reading it
his stress is understandable ...

One summation about poetry
that I have learnt is
the less a poetry /poem is understood
the more myriad views it throngs
in the throes of the human
unaccomplished mind
It leaves one with a gaping jaw
trying to comprehend
what the poet installed
in the mind's eyes

Read me some day,
dispassionately …
with wide open eyes,
I have decades behind
me as evidence


I heard the sound of pages turning
from writers' alcoves everywhere
where the dim night lights were burning
and poets laid their deep souls bare.

Then there came that final day
when verse and music both were done.
Had bards not heard their parents say
be sure to not look in the sun?

That fierce light burned their muse to cinders
and dried the ink within their quill
regardless of their age or genders
without vision they'd lost their will.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.