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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



as briny billows gently float the foam
above Poseidon's realm they dart and dare
like horses, wild and white, they seem to roam
and gambol oh so buoyantly just there

seafarers settle in complacency
fair sails has always been the passage here
and what has been, no doubt will ever be
there's absolutely nothing now to fear

but this time storm clouds gather, don't disperse
the ocean howls with rampant rage filled waves
as tridents carry, on the tide, a curse
that ferries unprepared to darker graves

Life's latter lessons

Drunk on the possibility of love and truth and passion
I handed him the last years of my youth and vigour
And starved my heart and soul on the empty calories of hope,
and crumbs of wishful propositions
which he sucked the life from as he turned to leave for any stray distraction
Yet I am blessed for his deception
The leaving and the liberation crown the angel of redemption
My silent shame and torture ended
And his ignorance and rigid gap removed
My freedom stole in quietly to claim me

Into Tomorrow

Carry me brother hawk
away from all I know
so I may move and breathe
and take my daily rest
my bodies worn, my mind is tired
my spirit runs on thought
it seems my dreams are out of reach

Talk to me sister owl
tell me it's alright
to sit still and find myself
to let myself be lost
knowing that you're here with me
my longing heart still echoes



Patches in the sky blood stained by the sun
As duskiness falls over dillion park
Children playing, walkers holding their own pace
Base ballers play catch on either side of me
Oh, how I miss those days being invited to come out

Patches in the sky slowly traverse overhead
As it gets duskier by the minute and temperatures drop below fifties
Children chase after puppy dogs as the patches once blood stained now darker

391 Dreams, Precarious In The Night

Dreams, precarious in the night
Flashbacks of never a time
And the memory breaths,
A touch to liquefy bone
As fear takes residence within the mind
Pleasantry is frightened by the night
The darkness penetrates the iris
Blinding only the eyes
While the mind dissipates from reason
The wakening within the dream
Mutes even the blistering silence
What the mind depicts
Causes the stomach to writhe
The tightening tendrils force the eyes to open
And morning echoes the sin
By: Darren J McMurray

comfort zone

Scared ,lost, alone
like when nobodys home.
I need someone to hold my head high.
The feeling everything will be alright.
No one can change this
only me.
Stop feeling sorry and just start
writing a new story to change my life,live
the way i want.
Try not to impress
settle for nothing less.
you want to help ?
just be there. so ill never fear
being alone.

flies have no holidays

part clod hop post paseo down lamar
brow knitted down, head tilted
in a swayed gait broad and hard;
mean muggin' it back to the loe motel mile
side steppedby the hardknocked,
the hard ups and crackophiles;
my bruised knuckles being as big badges bueno
plus this plussed demeanor
el resulto mi empleo;
wafts from roach coach breaks this put on fury
which reminds new worries
about this tummy begging 'hurry!';
ambling the quiet lot, card the door an d nudge it in,


Enlighten me to understand

Let the light of truth
Illuminate the serpentine road
That I traverse in my life
So I may see the obstacles
Littering my negative thoughts

Proclaim a place
Where the freedom of thought
Cannot be incarcerated
With controlled domestications
By those who fear positive growth

Let me be the hammer
Pounding on the inequities
Created by dreams
Seen in a mirror
Covered with smoke

the mentalist

i've got transfixed hallows
up my sleeve,
and a white rabbit in my top hat
and a flabbergasting opulent cape
with this, the secret i drape
before revealing the splendor
of magical light and color

shuffling cards arrange into a tower
the queen of hearts and the king of Flower
the Ace has grace
and the Jack craves power
ace to base
the rest know their place

so now that i have your attention,
ladies and gentlemen,

s a v i o u r

the flag flutters
red white and blue
those earthly colours that our god fearing nation grew

from opressions of a Kingly tax
we rushed to aid those weak
under attack

The eagle is our totem sign
feirce strong who gives his time
in aiding with his warrior might
opressed and blinded a true sight

A leading nation helping still
our multied people with good will
our leader with a back bones strong
our bill of rights that will last long


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.