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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Senyru Japanese Poetry Workshop

Senyru: #1
Dry eyes low vision 
Right eye twenty four-hundred
After glaucoma  

Senyru: #2
Sooo broken hearted
You walked away with my sun
Tears fall as raindrops 

Senyru: #3
It burns in my chest
Back tightens under pressure
Overcome by pain

curtain call

the theatre dual
company of mind in body

between origin of

act one
to experience

heart, art
and fair play
work excellence

war, destruction
injustice, hunger
hate, fear

and faith
or lack thereof

no charge


critical analysis has been varied
dependent on seating position

The Queen (Rhyme Crimes Workshop #1)

The Queen between the shades of night
and walls of everlasting light
stands silent, as the teeming throng
of subjects good, one million strong

break into chorus, note by note,
of canticles they learned by rote;
they bless her reign with lifted cry
beneath her banner and the sky.


Tears of Regret

I came too late,
waited too long
now I hold you as dust in my hand
release you to the whispering wind,
in the fields you loved,

If but the summer sun
had come to kiss our Valley,
and warm the rocky paths we walked,
then the chill that killed your bones
would have waited,

but the one who knew you ,
called cold of night,
whispering old and easy,

his voice grew louder ,
the winter long and cold his seal,
he took your spark,
and cast it to the night sky,

Strange (2nd assignment) (Rhyme Crimes

Strange how does life
point to us as anonymous
though we always have
definite, proper names!

How the cyber
gives a face to a book
though it never has
real eyes or ears or hair.

How does true love
turn fake and burn
the hearts once had
sincerely been inflamed.

Strange how do our
hearts grow away
and strange from
their own space



LIGHTNING BUGS (rhyme crime shop[internal rhyme])

We'd run for fun in the back yard
in guise of catching fireflies' glow
beneath the moon in early June
carefree as only kids can be

Bare toes too quick for mosquitos
to alight or much less bite upon
this time of year it would appear
memories of Memphis haunt the night


slip lip

There is many a slip
between the cup and lip,
the driver did slip,

he had one too many last night
as he pulled out the car
at four in the morn
he couldn’t make it ere dawn.

we stepped back,
as he was stinking
we all thought it was because
of his drinking

The Last Communique Of The Ultra-Apathetic Party

the world is in chaos

tribal wars
civil wars

these lines could have been written
on any day since man invented writing

a played out aspect
of the human condition
touching most lives
lighter than a free falling feather

any wonder so many tune out

you may call this denial
but, no, we are not denying
just ignoring
(now don't go on blathering about the connection
between ignor and ignorance,
or we'll never get out of here!)

Prodigal Past

looking backward
from a comfortable perch
my life wobbled wildly
on a self centered search

with dumpling brain
and mouth to match
I clumsied my way
on stumbumbling ass

brayed poly-syllabically
at steady bread folk
slobbered venemous opinions
at the tethered and yoked

now finally at rest
I mumble thanks to all
the stout level headed
who buffered my fall

these pillers of stability
salts of the earth
now keep me anchored
to a rock

Tanka (workshop)

Rivers of darkness

Flow silently underground

Released to sunshine

Nurturing all it touches

Let us rejoice it runs free......

Yours tounge in cheek Yenti


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