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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Somebody, get the glue
before I split in two.
what’s that crack
in my back, I hear.
Christ, I’m stiffer than dry wood !
Splinters are falling everywhere.
Protect my heart.
Save my soul.
Don’t let me lose my hair !

Glue me,


to faith, the physicist remains adverse
determined there’s no god, says there’s no need
for a designer, as the universe
itself, could be the cause of its own seed

with postulates of branes (no, no not brains)
and strings and bubbles (scientific slang)
while using math enough to cause mass migraines
they guess what happened prior to the bang

although the math displays what just could be
it seems to me a foolish thing to claim
with tools of only one reality
one can disprove what’s outside known domain

Gone with the Wind

"Gone with the Wind" at cinemas,
A favourite with the mas and pas
But not so dear to you and I
For we were younger, didn't sigh
When Gable's goodbye at the door
(a loser in the civil war)
Meant Southern Belle was out of luck
When she heard "I don't give a damn."


’’love that night’’

’’love that night’’

That night never ceases to be
a night of my life
of all my dreams,
of those small little pieces of love
I had always forever nursed
in my minds youthful eyes
that day, decades away.

Time Slaves...

Time slaves..

Who made man a slave to time, life
like sad printed lines without music
or rhyme.

So immersed are we in this uncaring
bondage of speed, allowing in only that.
We steal fleeting moments of pleasure
as the second hand collects our breath.

Do we need a slow ticking down of
our dreary days, or the sprinting hands
that steal what happiness we may
encounter from birth to death.


by RW
The dark woman kneels beside me
only as my eyes are closing
Her long hair tickles my nose in the night
her soft motion birthing eddies
from the shadows
she's riding on my nightmares laughing
she's got something for me now
she's like the seeds that fall to earth
among the thorns that choke the birth
of all but dank, low-lying mist
her red eyes shining daemon kissed
what called her to my room this night

A Prayer


Thanks God for gifting me a new day.

Thanks for lightening my way.

Thanks for keeping me alive

to work with others in life's hive.

Thanks for giving me the chance

T R U N C H E O N ..S V E L T E .

Comely swoon
this dark pressed womb
atrophy of dreamalair sweep

the trickle fates await

Hold the hand
at this gate check torrent
Pupil black swallow
flit and fly
against the grain
the static voice
soothing lullabye

and dust storm scars
shall be forgiven
when we wake
and risen


Humid air envelopes like a lover
on this warm mid-summer day
The wind's so still it seems to hover
refusing to set trees to sway

I slowly walk through quiet green
which filters out the mid-day sun
whose scattered lances still are seen
piercing the leaves to floor of dun

Slow pace determined by the heat
even birds' flight seems to slow
with wings that hardly even beat
while casting shadows down below

Hung Over

when happiness is wane
life lacking luster
drinking makes a merry heart

an unsympathetic life
sanity is tested
drinking hides stress

sleeping in
feeling crappy
from night before

red shot eyes
glassy eyed
heads for work

weary, dull headache
drags along
feeling tatty, hung over


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