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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Pray Tell Parishioner

1- wanna know sumpin'

2-what's that

1-I don't know nothin'

2-sayin' you don't know nothin'
is kinda knowin' sumpin' ain't it

1- guess so, but the point is,
are you sure we ain't just been guessin' at stuff all this time
'cause I been told guessin' ain't quite the same as knowin'

2- pray tell, what are you sayin'

1- I ain't sure certain 'bout nothin' no more

2- well... I won't tell nobody if you don't


I’m sinking down
into myself
crashing into dark
and I wallow
in my own salvation
I am not pain. Not decay.
Not loss
I am more than my dying
and at each turning
there unfolds something



bump say you

this night thorn burning
a fever rich
beneath the itch

how I want to tear it up
when the mercury climbs
the glass
and the buzz of insects in
the grass

slip and slide this turbid tide

jacked up on the brew
and the memory of the few
we aint gone looking
for what we threw to the
other side

no no

and this bone moon come
up to throw a callow light
no sleep be coming
on this forlorn night


I stroke the paddle one more time
today the water's calm and clear
so it carries me a little way
as if suspended in mid-air
above a world of moss and fin

With each smooth and careful stroke
I get nearer to that other shore
which began as a mere hazy dream
oh, so many years before
when this day was unthought of
and tomorrow seemed for ever


Spring Breeze

After his ghastly crucifixion,
Jesus awoke in a room of mirrors,
nothing more than another wandering Jew.
In time, facing himself, he wondered about delusions
was his sacrifice for nothing?
Was no one saved?
And where
was his father? Fathers are supposed to welcome
their sons home, he thought, still bleeding at
the sight of holes in his hands.

He sighed the sigh of only those who know persecution
can, and from this breath came a pure white dove,
and the dove held a sprig of home.

luv guillotine

pack a perfume of my love and affection
take along with you
my sense of humor and emotion,
leave behind a bunch of roses,
in the library of time
let all worldly poets view it
from time to time,
as you smile from beyond,
don't ponder
but in wilderness' fiefdom fearlessly wander
then love amongst heavenly,
folks squander,
if you have some left up your sleeve
still I wonder...

My Quill

Without you
I'm living in a hollow
nothing satisfies
my thoughts
are shallow.

After you
I'm unable
to draw a smile
or depict sorrow.

My words
contain no spirit
they scarcely
dance slow
without you-fellow.



old photographs
filling empty spaces.
soulless faces
fading into sepia
immortality by design
fading into Time

My Momma's Spagetti

Spagetti, Spagetti

the best meal of all ,

with big meat balls, 

and noodles so tall,

tomato sauce,

pepper and salt,

then i dropped my plate,

oops! my fault!


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.