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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Come September

Come September
she stands at the bathroom sink
in a glow of soft artificial light
face to face with her reflection
applying nightly moisturizing cream
to the apples of her cheeks and
all the mountains and the valleys
which hold the lines and wrinkles
that tell the progressive
story of her life.
she wonders if it matters
if anything can
stay the hands of time
and she struggles to find
the woman in the mirror
in the girl within her mind

sleep has an element of t

Even sleep has an element of time,
for you just awake after a
then you enter a no time zone
if you don't awake

Till then sleep and awake
as usual,
till slumber does over take,
then you enter the timelessness zone
about that there is no mistake.

Till then sleep
if you desire awake
then when Sadie is ready
she will come
you she’ll take.

Love kinks

crushed delicates
drawered deep and hidden behind
dark pleasured guilt 'til
someone with proclivities
heretofore unbeknownst
entered her boudoir
with enticing toys
inviting her to share
this night
in a carnal carnival
of fetished joy
her loss of shame
was startling, instantaneous
and as satisfying
as sweet morning kisses
caressed in glorious sunshine

More Doors

I must sit down and turn around
be mindful as I sit,

the reason you can't see my face
is it's covered with your spit!

This gravy-train is quite insane
I chew my food real good;

I have a way of saying things
but I'm so, misunderstood!

It's alright, I'll be polite
and say what's on my mind;

if negatives breed negatives
I'll be the other kind.

With borrowed soap, I can't lose hope
and air my cares outside;

R e d . . . K a c h i n k a

stetch split
this mirror break

in cascade shards

a many cast brokenness

dwell splinter dancers

the days yearning host
flush has fled
like funeral candles
and ice on the trim of
the shed

the wamth cup light

the great Purifier
is here


You save my heart from being stone
and have done so for so many years
kept this brooding man from life alone
a fate which any sane man fears

For I know one such as I
can't be easy to endure
how often have I made you cry?
far too many times I'm sure

You're the one who melts the ice
every time my soul turns chill
you're the sole one to entice
me back down that frozen hill

I Looked at the Sky Today

I looked at the sky today
and you came into mind,
I wondered if we were
one pretending to be two
or if we were two moving
towards each other like
sunrise to the moon.

Like love.


Lips that slake the outside thirst
for clear water
leave crimson petals on the glass,
mocking the mask that belies innocence.
Rest eludes the racing mind
surrounded by shouts of soul
and eternal fires, yet
sleep would bring another hell.
There is no escape
for this unworthy lamb
rejected by the good god
unworthy of a fairytale redemption.
She would rather walk alone
than listen to the mocking bleat
bounce pitiful from pew to pulpit,
forever and ever, amen.


they say there hasn’t been a miracle
since heaven up above knows only when
and things we used to see as spiritual
have somehow moved off way beyond our ken

a long time’s passed since angels, happily
delivered news of wondrous, new instruction
we hurtle on, towards calamity
to thirst, disease and weapons of destruction

a baby born a year ago this spring
today has proven there’s phenomenon
she stands and staggers, totters, then she’s walking
and so the human race continues on

The Loving

The Loving

How you may cry,
did this world
that has enclosed me.
For long days,
become so real.

That you would turn
from those days
Those days
when the sun felt warm
as it played with your skin.

Making each gentle caress
of the breeze
a multitude of sins
Did you lose sight
of the real you
then only see your wishes

What if they can see,
those things in their minds
Then you are not
what they are looking for,
because they are blind


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.